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What structure is this?
Incisive bone
What structure is this?
Nasal bone
What structure is this?
Maxillary bone
What structure is this?
Lacrimal bone and foramen
What structure is this?
frontal bone
What structure is this?
frontal bone
What structure is this?
zygomatic process
What structure is this?
zygomatic process
What structure is this?
zygomatic bone
What structure is this?
temporal bone
What structure is this?
interparietal bone
What structure is this?
sagittal crest
What structure is this?
nuchal crest
What structure is this?
temporal lines
What structure is this?
temporal fossa
What structure is this?
orbital fossa
What structure is this?
nasoinsisive notch
What structure is this?
maxillary foramen
What structure is this?
infraorbital foramen
What structure is this?
squamous temporal bone
What structure is this?
tympanic temporal bone/tympanic bulla
What structure is this?
petrous temporal bone
What structure is this?
pterygoid bone
What structure is this?
wing of the sphenoid
What structure is this?
vertical part of the palatine bone
What structure is this?
pterygoid palatine fossa
What structure is this?
zygomatic arch
What structure is this?
tympanic bulla and external auditory hiatus
What structure is this?
mastoid process
What structure is this?
retroarticular process
What structure is this?
paracondylar process
What structure is this?
lacrimal fossa
What structure is this?
infraorbital canal
What structure is this?
Sphenopalatine and caudopalatine foramen
What structure is this?
maxillary foramen
What structure is this?
efnoid foramina
What structure is this?
optic canal, orbital fissure, rostral ala foramen
What structure is this?
caudal ala foramen
What structure is this?
round foramen
What structure is this?
oval foramen
What structure is this?
retroarticular process
What structure is this?
retroarticular foramen
What structure is this?
stylomastoid foramen
What structure is this?
incisive bone
What structure is this?
palatine process of maxillary bone
What structure is this?
horizontal part of the palatine bone
What structure is this?
What structure is this?
What structure is this?
What structure is this?
major palatine fossa
What structure is this?
minor palatine fossa
What structure is this?
palatine fissure
What structure is this?
foramen lacarim
What structure is this?
petrotympanic fissure
What structure is this?
masculotudinal canal
What structure is this?
tympan-occipital fissure
What structure is this?
hypoglossal foramen
What structure is this?
supraoccipital bone
What structure is this?
exooccipital bone
What structure is this?
baseoccipital bone
What structure is this?
occipital crest
What structure is this?
foramen magnum
What structure is this?
mastoid foramina
What structure is this?
Rostral, middle, and caudal cranial fossa
What structure is this?
hypophyseal fossa
What structure is this?
centurium cerebella osei
What structure is this?
jugular foramen
What structure is this?
internal acoustic pore
What structure is this?
cribriform plate
What structure is this?
dorsonasal conchae
What structure is this?
ventronasal conchae
What structure is this?
efnoid conchae
What structure is this?
perpendicular plate
What structure is this?
What structure is this?
maxillary (front) and frontal (back) sinuses
What structure is this?
horizontal ramus
What structure is this?
vertical ramus
What structure is this?
coronoid and condyloid process
What structure is this?
masseteric fossa
What structure is this?
mandibular foramen
What structure is this?
mantal foramina
What structure is this?
What structure is this?
longitudinal venous sinus
What structure is this?
efnoidal turbinates
What structure is this?
olfactory bulb
What structure is this?
What structure is this?
cerebral hemispheres
What structure is this?
What structure is this?
longitudinal fissure
What structure is this?
transverse fissure
What structure is this?
tentorial cerebelli
What structure is this?
tentorial cerebelli osei
What structure is this?
cruciate sulcus
What structure is this?
caudal and rostral rhinal sulcus
What structure is this?
olfactory tract
What structure is this?
piriform lobe
What structure is this?
frontal lobe
What structure is this?
parietal lobe
What structure is this?
temporal lobe
What structure is this?
occipital lobe