Wrote the Rule of St. Benedict
Established the monastery in montecassino
Eremitic saint
Found solitude on pillars in the middle of the desert
Lived on a 40ft pillar for 37 years
Defeated King Harold
Led the Battle of Hastings
Fought in the Norman conquest of England
Led by William the Conqueror -Normans took over the Anglo-Saxons
King Harold is defeated by William the Conqueror
Battle fought in France by Charles Martel and the Muslims
If Martel had not succeeded, the Muslims would have taken over Europe and Christianity probably would have gone extinct
Middle class of medieval France
Included merchants and professionals
Ravaging plague that overtook the world and killed half of the population
Spread by fleas rats and people
Style of art developed in the middle ages
Focused on stylized imagery rather than naturalistic depictions
French dynasty founded by Hugh Capet
They moved the capital of France from Aachen to Paris
After Merovingians
Defeated the Muslim army
Held King Pepin and Charlemagne
Wanted to go back to the Rule of St. Benedict
Created in reaction against Cluney, France when the monks did not work on the land because there were already serfs there
God » Pope » King » Nobles » Knights » Peasants/Serfs
Everybody was a vassal of somebody
Separation of the Catholic and Orthodox church
Happened between the Pope(Rome) and the Patriarch(Constantinople)
A belief that emphasizes faith and optimism in human potential and creativity
A Renaissance intellectual movement in which thinkers studied classical texts and focused on human potential and achievements
Clovis and his successors
After the dark ages
Pagobert-poor king, both mind and money, last king of the Merovingians
The practice of living the life of a monk
Devoting your life to God
City in Italy
Grew because of St. Benedict's monastery
Poor farmers who did not belong to the land
Under knights on the Feudal Pyramid
Earth in the middle of the universe
Based on the Bible, not on what was actually in the sky
The religious rule that became the basis of western monasticism. Focused on "ora et labora".
Strict rule that was a guideline for monks
Servant of someone
Basis of Feudalism
Became centers for making and trading cloth
Ghent is farther inland than Bruges
Capital of the East Roman Empire and of the Ottoman Empire
On the Western side of the Bosporus Straight
Home of the Eastern Orthodox church
This Spanish city was the center of Islamic culture in Europe during the Middle Ages
Located Southerly inland in Spain
A seaport in northwestern Italy
Venice's Twin, located on the West most armit of Italy
This city was once of hot spots of Renaissance culture in the 1400s
Located North of Rome, still in Italy
City that controlled important trade routes to the East. Canals serve as its "streets".
Located on the Easternmost armpit of Italy
Almost or completely surrounded by land
Sea South of Europe, North of Africa