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Lindsey Fitzharris
author of facemaker
Harold Gillies
1 of the surgeons who had pushed the limit of plastic surgery during his time
Born June 17, 1882
Died September 10, 1960
1914 to 1918
time period of wwi
First produced by the Germans, most notably against the British at Hooge in 1915
Portable device, belched a stream of burning oil which destroyed everything within range
Left victims with severe burns over their entire bodies
Chemical Weapons
(more psychologically devastating innovation)
First large scale lethal gas attack came on April 22, 1915
chlorine gas
Members of a special unit of the German army released 160 tons of ____ over the battlefield at Ypres, Belgium, within minutes over 100,000 French & Algerian soldiers were killed, further 4,000 wounded
Tanks also became a new addition to the battlefield → first developed by the ____
20 minute club
Early airman sometimes referred to themselves collectively as the____ -- the average time it took to shoot down a new pilot
butchers blade
German sawback bayonet
it was so loathed that the French and British armies warned the Germans that any many caught with one would be tortured and executed. By 1917, it had been widely outlawed in battle.
jam tins
Discarded_____ were made deadly early in the war as soldiers began improvising bombs by filling them w/ explosives and scrap iron and fitting them w/ fuses
8-10 million
____ soldiers died during the war, over twice as many were wounded: often seriously
Maxillofacial wound
injuries to the face and jaw
shell shock, mental disorder suffered by war-traumatized soldiers
a state of low spirits caused by loss of hope or courage
severe depression characterized especially by profound sadness and despair
les gueules cassées
french for the broken faces
Gesichts entstellten
german for twisted faces
Menschen ohne Gesicht
german for men without faces
Loneliest of Tommies
in britain known as the most tragic of war victims, strangers even to themselves
Private Percy Clare
bullet tore through his face-initially thought it would be fatal-knew it would take really long time for stretcher-bearers to get to him because of risk of being shot themselves
referred to himself as “an unlovely object” when returned to britain and saw his face
being laid on back with facial injuries can cause…
first main hospital for gillies
second main hospital for gillies
surgical speciality dealing with head and neck/ENT
ears, nose, throat
ergonomic needle
gillie’s disability caused him to invent ____ to make up for limited mobility
Kathleen Margaret Jackson
Gillie’s wife
Gavrilo Princip
shot Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand and wife Sophie at Sarajevo.
Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Gavrilo Princip (part of terrorist group Black Hand) shot _______ and wife Sophie at Sarajevo
deserters in britain were…
Auguste charles Valadier
Franco-American dentist
trench mouth
bacteria build up in mouth, ulcers, bleeding, bad breath
acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
Monotonous diet+lack of dental hygiene
dental anesthetic at the time
general base hospital
more specialized
stationary base hospital
____ died of wound infection
plastic surgery
coined in 1798 by French Surgeon Pierre-Joseph Desault
american civil war
Face reconstruction attempts began in _____ due to conical bullet
Anesthesia and antisepsis
bone grafts became more common with
Rosa Vect
Nurse at Belgian Field Hospital, shrapnel in leg so bad that she needed to get it amputated at the hip at Veurne, lost too much blood during operation - only Dutch nurse to die in WWI
Petite curies
vehicle with hospital bed, x-ray machine, generator
Battle of Ypres
killed thousands, including 14yo, and chlorine gas first used by germans
chlorine gas
Diatomic gas(about 2 ½ times denser than air) that reacts with water in the lungs to form hydrochloric acid, causing permanent tissue damage and death
more deadly phosgene, bromine, and bis(2-chloroethyl) sulfide aka mustard gas
chlorine gas replaced by…
catherine black
Irish Nurse at Cambridge Military Hospital
god only knows
cellular destruction, can spread to nearby healthy tissue if left untreated
section of healthy tissue that is partially detached from its original site and moved to cover a wound, flap has its own bkood supply in form of single large artery or multiple smaller blood vessel
local flap
skin can be transferred from a site adjacent to the wound by cutting a flap from an intact piece of tissue and rotating it about its pedicle -the part where the flap remains attached to the body- to cover the injury →incisions by surgeon stitched closed, or flap can be advanced in direct line when intact skin is pulled taut to cover a wound before being stitched into place
distant flap
transfer of tissue from remote area on body, similar to local one side of flap must still remain connected to original site in order to maintain blood supply, could entail leaving long “tether” of skin exposed which leaves area susceptible to infection/life threatening
Private William Henry Young
sniped in thigh →chlorine left impaired vision → shot in jaw/chest, deemed hero and sent to Aldershot for jaw surgery
died of sudden heart failure under anesthesia
common anesthetic at the time, found to be able to cause ventricular fibrillation which is a fatal cardiac arrythmia
“never do today what can be put off till tomorrow”
Gillies’ motto
german immigrants
_____ living in Britain lost jobs, commited suicide, deported etc due to war hostility
Henry Tonks
volunteered to work in POW prison camp, art, doctor, made portraits/diagrams to document gillies work
Battle of Jutland
Ship explosions → many casualties →burn victims: very painful, morphine often did very little ; even first degree described burns could be fatal
flash burns
burned by superheated cordite - propellant explosive, detonation brief and affected just exposed flesh (face, hands) quick death
petric acid
used as antiseptic
left deep scars
eucalyptus and olive oil
used to keep dressings supple
Gillies’ prioritized _____ first
Sir Lane
surgeon, “no touch” used long tools as antiseptic to avoid directly touching wound
injured in darkest battle of British history, gillies performed one of his first “nose jobs”
an operation to alter the appearance of the nose; one of oldest recorded surgical procedures in India who devised method of Nasal reconstruction using flap from forehead/cheek
saddle nose
Syphillis patients often developed “______” which caused facial/nose disfigurement stigma
published first book to deal exclusively with plastic surgery
Corporal X
loved molly; sank into despondency because surgery because of reflection
ended relationship bc of it
Artist, made masks for people in WWI (prewar photos, used clay to fill gaps, electroplated with copper, accessories and coat of silver)
Henry Brooks
made his own prosthetic nose, sucessful, made tin noses for others
cons of masks
Masks didnt allow for facial movement, fragile, “conceal”, not lasting = plastic surgery preferred
(nitrated cellulose mixed with camphor) used for artificial noses but it was flammable so stopped being used , first plastic
remains attached to one side to the original site to maintain own blood supply
completely detatched from body before being transferred; survive as oxygen and nutrients diffuse into them from the underlying wound bed, but long term survival depends on new blood supply forming quickl
quiet, airship hydrogen balloon, attack British civilians by Germans “Baby killers”
eyelid plastic surgery
vital tissue limiting internal and external surfaces of organs and glands
percy clare’s injury
bullet entered just in front of his right ear and travelled in downward trajectory, narrowly missing his right eye and fracturing his jaw in several places before smashing through his left cheek
pilot crashed and was severely burned - chest flap to replace skin on pilots face - Gilles decided against waiting another year for second procedure
surgical wounds turned gangrenous(Death of body tissue) condition deteriorated, infection, towards the end metastatic absecesses(Swollen area containing pus) in various regions, heart gave out
huge demand for anesthesia
British alone used 413,198 pounds of ether, 249,341 pounds of chloroform and thousands of gallons of nitrous oxide
greatest challenge of anaesthesia
large amount of blood vessels in face; if blood pressure too high = bleed excessively could cause blood drowning/obscure area needing attention
sitting upright
Positive pressure necessary to prevent blood from entering the trachea, but surgeon got blast of ether-laden expirations
Endotracheal insufflation
improved methods of administering anesthesia by using motor pump to push vaporized ether through catheter placed in patients trachea
reduced chances of anesthetic shock by allowing doctor more control of quantity of drugs entering patient
Each blood type has different type of…
type O
blood type with no antigens
sodium citrate
acts as anticoagulant when mixed with blood, allowing it to be stored for later transfusion
allowed blood to be collected in advance from preselected donors to supply the needs of frontline recipients, resuscitation teams
spanish flu
1918, reffered to as “3 day fever” bc of 3 day incubation, 3 day fever, 3 day convalescence nature of virus
took more lives than war itself, between 50-100 mil civilians and soldiers died a day, spread quickly among crowded soldiers,
Hippolyte Morestin
at the beginning didn’t let gillies observe him
died of spanish flue
November 11, 1918
Germany signed treaty that ended war on ….
ivan magill
Anesthetist, pioneered endotracheal anesthesia and angled “Magill Forceps” used to guide tracheal tube into larynx
percy clare ending
never made it back to the front, jaw locked due to premature reconstructive work, sent to other hospital not as good as Sidcup, honorably discharged due to severity of wounds, recieved British War Medal and Victory Medal for service
Jaques Joseph
developed intransal technique to alter tip of nose without creating external scar
X-ray hair removal
More than 35% of radiation-induced cancers in women could be traced to…
mrs brown
burn victim, lost all skin on face, decided to import skin from abdomen via tubed pedicle, used skin to create eyelids, cheeks, and nose, mouth biggest challenge, died untimely from epileptic seizure (not bc of Gillies)
Bombing of Royal College of Surgeons (London)
destoryed much of Gillies case notes, and other medical stuff, Henry Tonks portaits survived
creating a vagine
creating a penis