It is the average weather condition in an area over a long period of time
It is a measure of the distance north and south of the equator
It is the elevation or distance above the mean sea level
Ocean Current
It is a stream of water that flows in a definite path
Prevailing winds and mountain ranges
2 natural factors that affect the amount of precipitation in a particular location
Prevailing winds
Blows more often from a certain direction than any other direction
Mountain ranges
Acts as a barrier to prevailing winds
Windward side
Recieves moist air and has more precipitation on mountains
Leeward side
Receives dry air and has less precipitation on mountains.
The supercontinent that was connected 230 million years ago
El niño
Refers to a warm water current that flows from west to east across the pacific ocean near the equator
Greenhouse effect
Earths atmosphere traps heat energy from the sun, warming the environment
A massive ball of plasma that emits light
Luminosity, Magnitude
2 characteristics that define brightness
Amount of light that a star radiates
Apparent magnitude
Refers to its brightness as seen by an observer on earth
Absolute magnitude
Indicates a stars true brightness
Star cluster or star cloud
Refers to a group of stars
Globular cluster, open cluster
2 tyoes of star clusters
Globular clusters
They are tight groups of hundreds of thousands of very old stars
Open clusters
They are loosely clustered groups of stars
Stellar association
Star clusters that move in the same direction
Star patterns that are named after gods