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A system of government in which citizens exercise supreme power, acting either directly on their own or through elected representatives; The majority of these nations' governments are categorized as _____
A system of government in which a single ruler exercises supreme power based on heredity or divine right. In a _____, the right to rule passes from one generation of the ruling family to the next; The governments of a few nations are _____.
A system of government in which a single person or group exercises supreme power by controlling the military and police; The governments of a few nations are monarchies. Fewer yet are _____.
An economic system that relies mainly on _____ to determine what goods and services to produce and how to produce them; Eight million Swiss live in a prosperous nation with a thriving _____.
market economy
An economic system in which decisions about what to produce and how are made on the basis of customs, beliefs, and tradition; Today, South Sudan is an impoverished nation with a _____.
traditional economy
Over time, some farming villages grew into cities and _____. A _____ is a sovereign state consisting of a city and its surrounding territory.
The Athenians reorganized their city-state as a _____. In a _____, public decisions are made directly by citizens meeting together in an assembly or voting by ballot.
direct democracy
A nation in which supreme power rests with the citizens and is exercised by their elected representatives; In 509 B.C.E., the Roman people overthrew their monarchy and turned Rome into a _____.
Over time, the Romans set up a _____ to govern their republic. In a _____, public decisions are made by leaders who are elected by the citizens to represent their interests.
republic representative democracy
This system of exchanging the use of land for military and other services became known as _____.
A legislative assembly in which elected representatives debate and vote on proposed laws. The name comes from the French term parler, meaning "to talk."; Europe's _____ developed from meetings of vassals summoned by a lord or king.
The 1300s saw the rise of _____, or governments headed by hereditary rulers who claimed unlimited powers.
absolute monarchies
Others ruled as _____, or tyrants, who used their power for selfish ends.
The Glorious Revolution, aka the Bloodless Revolution, led by the establishment of Europe's first _____ --a system of government in which the powers of the monarch are limited by a constitution either written or unwritten.
constitutional monarchy
The American Revolution led to the creation of the first modern _____ -- a democratic government based on a written constitution.
constitutional democracy
In time Napoleon Bonaparte restored order, but only by establishing an ______--a system of government in which the state exercises broad control over the lives of its citizens.
authoritarian regime
Some historians argue that Napoleon's approach to governing set the stage for rise of ______ in the 20th century. A _____ government is an extreme form of an authoritarian regime that seeks to control almost every aspect of its citizens' lives.
In its place, revolutionaries established the Soviet Union as the world's first state based on _____. The term _____ has several meanings. It can mean a system of government in which a single political party controls the government and the economy. It can also mean the theories developed by German philosopher Karl Marx about the ideal society.
A form of totalitarianism known as _____ first appeared in Italy during the 1920s. _____ resembles communism in terms of its control of citizens' lives.
A third type of totalitarianism, _____, took root in Germany. _____ is a variety of fascism built in part on the myth of racial superiority.
Muammar al-Gaddafi, for example, took control of Libya in a military _____, or coup, in 1969. The term _____ means "blow to the state" in French.
coup d'etat
A _____ is a government headed by religious leaders.
In a _____, the constitution allows only one political party to govern.
single-party state
Power is exercised by the leading members of the party, who form the nation's political _____, or a small group of people within a larger group who have more power, wealth, or talent than the others.
Swiss citizens regularly vote to approve laws passed by their legislature. This form of direct democracy is known as the _____.
referendum process
Citizens may also propose laws and submit them directly to voters in what is known as the _____.
initiative process
They may also be able to vote an elected official out of office by means of a _____.
recall election
The United Kingdom, India, and Australia are examples of ______. In a _____, voters elect lawmakers to represent them in the nation's parliament.
parliamentary democracies
Should parliament approve a _____, the prime minister must resign.
vote of no confidence
An economic system that relies mainly on the central government to determine what goods and services to produce and how to produce them; In a _____, the government answers the three basic economic questions. In a pure command economy, the means of production are publicly owned.
command economy