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Edward Jenner 1796
Made a smallpox vaccine (EJ)
Zacharias Jansen 1595
Made the first compound microscope (ZJ)
Robert Hooke 1665
Discovered cell when he looked at a piece of cork (ROH)
Antoine Van Leewenhoek 1676
Observed tiny objects in pond water and called them animalcules (AVL)
Robert Brown 1833
Discovered the nucleus in plant cells (RBR)
Matthias Schlieden 1830’s
Studied plants with a microscope and concluded that plants are made up of cells (MS)
Theodore Schwann 1839
Observed different animal cells and said animals were made up of cells (TS)
Rudolph Virchow 1855
Hypothesized that cells divide to form new cells and summarized his ideas in the cell theory (RV)