Biology - 2 Cell division - 2.1 Cell Division

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Cell division

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Cell division

the formation of two genetically identical daughter cells

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Where are the chromosomes?

in the nucleus

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What are chromosomes?

long, thin strings of genes that contain instructions for making new cells

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What are genes?

Genes are sections of DNA that control a single genetic trait.

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How many chromosomes are in the nucleus of a body cell?

46 chromosomes

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How are chromosomes arranged in cells?

23 pairs - one from mother and one from father

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How many chromosomes do gametes have?

23 chromosomes

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Cell cycle

series of events that cells go through as they grow and divide

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asexual reproduction by splitting the nucleus

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How long is the cell cycle?

24 hours to several years

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When is the cell cycle rapid?

as a baby develops and throughout childhood

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When does the cell cycle slow?

after puberty

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What areas continue rapid cell division in adults? [4]

the hair follicles, the skin, the blood, the lining of the digestive system

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Cell cycle: stage 1 [4]

  • longest stage

  • cells grow bigger and increase mass

  • replicate DNA to form two copies of each chromosome

  • replicate organelles

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Cell cycle: stage 2 [3]

  • mitosis

  • one set of chromosomes is pulled to each side

  • nucleus divides

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Cell cycle: stage 3 [1]

  • cytoplasm and cell membranes divide to form daughter cells

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46 chromosomes

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Interphase [3]

  • cell grows

  • cell replicates chromosomes

  • organelles replicated

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Prophase [3]

  • chromosomes condense

  • nuclear membrane dissolves

  • spindle fibres form

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Metaphase [2]

  • nucleus dissolves

  • chromosomes align in centre

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Anaphase [1]

  • chromosomes moved to opposite poles of cell

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Telophase [3]

  • just before cells split

  • nuclear membranes reform

  • spindle fibres dissolve

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Cell cycle order

  • interphase

  • prophase

  • metaphase

  • anaphase

  • telophase

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