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Babylonian god
Freshwater god
The first god to appear in Enuma Elish
Plots to kill the other gods
Killed by Ea
Seawater god
created through Apsu
does not wish to kill all the gods with Apsu
plots to kill all the gods (separate plot from Apsu)
gives the Tablets of Destiny to Qingu
God of wisdom and magic
Overhears Apsu’s plan to kill all the gods
Kills Apsu
father to Marduk
erects a shrine from Apsu’s body
Son of Ea
four eyes and four ears
Is gifted the four winds
kills Tiamat
volunteers to kill Tiamat
Father of Shu
Father of Tefnut
the origin of his creation varies across Egyptian myths
In one myth, he creates himself
created Shu and Tefnut from spit, sneezing, or ejaculation
God of Air
son of Atum
created through Atum’s spit, sneeze, or ejaculations
Referred to as the “eternal recurrence”
father of Geb and Nut
Goddess of moisture
Atum created her through bodily fluid either by a sneeze, spitting, or ejaculation
created at the same time as Shu
Mother of Geb and Nut
Referred to as the “eternal sameness”
Goddess of the Sky
Separated from Geb
arched over Geb (earth)
Swallows the sun each night, giving birth to it each morning.
Mouth is the west
crotch/butt is the east
God of Earth
Son of Shu and Tefnut.
Separated from Nut
Embodies the fertile land
Makes things grow
Creation god from Memphite mythology
Frequently called “good of disposition” because of his reputation for answering prayers
Established the order of creation
Governs all life
Seen as the father of the gods
Creation god from Thebes mythology
Created himself
Sneezed Shu and Tefnut
No god came before him
Concealed from the other gods
Goddess of the Earth
Gives birth to Ouranos
Gives birth to Pontos
Gives birth to Okeanos
Has children with Ouranos
Gaia is his mother
God of the starry sky
Has children with Gaia
Pushes his children back into Gaia
Castrated by his son, Kronos
Born from Gaia and Ouranos
Kills Ouranos
Hears a prophecy that he will be killed by his son
Swallows all his children (except Zeus)
Is tricked into eating a stone = throws up all his children
His myth is used to explain why certain parts of the cow are given to the gods
Gives fire to people
Zeus is angry that Prometheus gave fire to people
Zeus chains Prometheus to a rock
Every day, an eagle eats Prometheus' liver
Son of Kronos and Rhea
Hidden from Kronos in Crete
Defeats his father, Kronos, and saves all his siblings
Drove the Titans out of Heaven
Becomes the king of the gods
First human created by God
Was told by god to not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil
God created a woman to be his helper(after animals did not work out)
Ate the fruit after Eve
notices he is naked after eating the fruit
First woman created
Second human created (after animals)
Made to be a helper for Adam
Ate the forbidden fruit after being convinced by the serpent
With Adam she realized that she was naked and made clothes
Enki seems to favor him
builds a large boat for flood safety
Enki sends him warnings
Name means Exceedingly Wise
Rules heavens
King of the Annunnaki
Called upon to find a solution for complaints of igigi
Name means sky
Lives in the heavens
Superior gods
Set up plans to control human population
Dont like how “noisy” humans become
Replace igigi with humans to build their canals take care of their temples
Mesopotamian gods
They revolt against the annunaki
Seen as lower-class Gods compared to Annunnaki
The workers who build canals and do manual hard labor
Rebellion leads to humans being created
They are not happy because they are suffering
March and sort of “raid” the house enlil (counselor of the Annunnaki)
Appears in enuma elish
Rules underworld
Helps create humans with belet-ili
Enki keeps helping humans find solutions to disasters the Gods cause to kill them
Enki takes oath not to mess up Gods’ plans to fix ‘overpopulation’
Counselor of annunaki
created famine and drought
Doesnt like noise of humans
Seeks to kill humans off
God of wind
Brought many disasters to humans
Son of Prometheus
Mother is Pandora, the first women
Married to Pyrrha
Survived Zeus’ flood
In Ovid’s version, goes to Themis’ shrine to ask how to save humans
Wife of Deucalion
Cousin of Deucalion
In Ovid’s version = “the most devoted to the gods”
Survives the flood
Themis gives her and Deucalion advice on how to save people
decides humans are bad and starts a flood
Decides to save Noah
Tells him to build and arch
In J version = tells Noah to take seven pure animals and two non-pure animals
In P version = tells Noah to take a pair of all living animals
Chosen by god to survive the flood
Has three sons
God tells him to build an arch
In J version = tells Noah to take seven pure animals and two non-pure animals
In P version = tells Noah to take a pair of all living animals
J Verison
Genesis 2-3
God has humanistic characteristics = walking around earth
Noah story = humans are killed because they are bad
Noah story = flood lasts for 40 days and 40 nights
Noah story = Nephilims
P Verison
Concerns with specific dates
God is not characterized in the same way as J = Very disconnected from a human-like characteristics
Noah story = humans are killed because of violence
Noah story = rain does not cause the flood
Noah story = flood last 150 days
Genesis 1
Believes that myths explain the origins of the world
He believes Myths shape human behavior
believes myths allow people to connect with the past and the divine
Eliade sees myths as essential for a culture’s identity
believes that myths aren’t necessarily fiction
Myths shape society
Myths justify power
argues that myths are not fixed; people can challenge and reshape them to change society
Myths create identity
Myths connect past and present