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def. of testes
male gonads (sex organ)
function of testes
produce sperm
def. of scrotum
superficial sac containing testes
2 muscles regulate position of scrotum
function of scrotum
regulates temp. of testes
must be cooler than body for spermatogenesis
def. of epididymis
tightly coiled duct
function of epididymis
maturation and storage of sperm
function of vas deferens (ductus deferens)
transports sperm
function of penis & urethra
delivers sperm into female for fertilization
accessory glands include…
seminal vesicles
bulbourethral gland
location of seminal vesicles
on posterior bladder surface → joins with vas deferens
function of seminal vesicles
alkaline fluid w/ sugars → increases sperm motility & fertility
location of prostate
surrounds urethra
function of prostate
milky and slightly acidic secretions → activates sperm
location of bulbourethral gland
inferior to prostate
function of bulbourethral gland
thick, clear mucus → creates lubricating fluid for sperm & neutralizes acidity of vagina
def. of spermatogenesis
sperm formation (meiosis)
spermatogenesis occurs…
in seminiferous tubules of testes
parts of sperm
def. of acrosome
contains enzymes that helps penetrate egg
“helmet” of sperm
def. of head
contains nucleus of sperm
def. of midpiece
contain mitochondria (ATP) of sperm
def. of tail
sperm has flagella for whiplike movement