IN ________: When the outside temperature is low, the blood vessels get narrowed (vasoconstriction)
________ is a recessive trait caused due to inheritance; an albino couple would get all albino children.
Chemical reactions
________ occurring in all body cells, especially in the liver by the oxidation of glucose, generally produce heat.
Hot Weather
In ________: When the outside temperature is high or when a person is engaged in strenuous physical work, which means overproduction of heat within the body, the blood supply to the skin is increased by the dilation of blood vessels in the skin (vasodilation)
African negroes
________ have genetically dark- coloured skin, the Europeans light- coloured (whitish) and most.
temperature regulation
Since sweating from the skin occurs mainly for ________, we can not really consider the skin as an excretory organ.
nerve fibres
Hairs also provide a sensation of touch because ________ extend up to their bases.
All ________ including humans are warm- blooded (endothermal: body heat generated from inside); so also are birds.
vaporisation of water
Some heat is also lost during the ________ from the lungs.
________: Heat is lost in the warm air which is breathed out.
stratum corneum
The cornified layer (________) is the outermost layer consisting of several piled- up layers of flattened dead cells.
________: Skin pigmentation (melanin) is lost from smaller or larger patches at different regions of the body; the exact cause of this disease is not yet known.
________ are hardened keratinous plate- like structures which grow as dead cells from the ________ root, which lies below the skin at the base.
mammary glands
The activity of the ________ is related to the reproductive hormones (prolactin) and pregnancy.
________ and Faeces: These substances are eliminated at body temperature.
________: Sebum accumulation, causes the growth of bacteria because it is nutritive, gets infected and results in the formation of boils and ________.
Ceruminous glands
________: These are modified sebaceous glands found in the auditory canal and secrete wax- like substances called cerumen or earwax which lubricate and protect the delicate eardrum from dust particles and germs.
________: It lies just below the skin surface at the base of the nail.
sweat gland
Each ________ is a simple coiled tube consisting of a deeper secretory part and an excretory part which runs upwards to open on the surface.
________: Sebaceous glands get inflamed due to hormonal influence.
Air movements
________ over the body help speed up the evaporation of sweat; that is why the fans which do not cool the air of the room, have a cooling effect on our bodies.
cold beverages
Foods: Heat is also lost when cold food, water, or ________ are taken into the body.
malpighian layer
The ________ (stratum malpighi, also called the germinative layer) is the innermost region of the epidermis.
hides of animals
Leather obtained from the ________ is actually the dermis part of the skin.
normal temperature
When the body tends to cool below the ________, it switches on or speeds up the heat- producing process, and when the body tends to get overheated, it accelerates the cooling process and switches off the heat- producing processes.
invisible perspiration
Sweating (or perspiration) goes on at all times in minute quantities (incipient or ________), or sometimes in large quantities as during strenuous exercise or during hot and humid weather, when a person may lose as much as 1 kg per hour.
process of excretion
Excretion: The skin assists in the ________ (through sweating) eliminating water, salts, and, to a very limited extent, urea.
milk duct
Each ________ is continued inward in a branching manner to join a cluster of 15 to 20 lobes of the mammary glands.
Synthesis of Vitamin D
________: The skin can sparse vitamin D when exposed to sunshine.
evaporation of sweat
Skin: About 85 per cent of the body heat is lost through the skin by convection, conduction, radiation and through ________.
________: It is the hard and outer part of the nail.
dry weather
In cold and ________, the skin may become rough and leave a powdery surface when scratched; this is due to reduced secretion of oil from the sebaceous glands.
Meibomian glands
________: These are modified sebaceous glands which open on the margins of the eyelids.
human body temperature
The ________ is usually about 37 ā C (in the mouth), it is about 1Ā°C higher in the rectum and about 1Ā°C lower in the armpits.
humid weather
In hot and ________, the skin becomes extra oily due to increased secretion of sebum.
________: Complete loss of pigmentation of the skin all over the body including hair, eyebrows, eyelashes and even the iris.
Temperature regulation
________: The skin prevents escaping of heat in cold weather and facilitates the loss of in hot weather.
Protection is the primary function of the skin
Our skin serves as a sense organ for touch, pain, pressure, heat, etc
Temperature regulation
The skin prevents escaping of heat in cold weather and facilitates the loss of in hot weather
Storage of food
The skin stores reserve food in the form of a layer of fat contained in special cells
The skin assists in the process of excretion (through sweating) eliminating water, salts, and, to a very limited extent, urea
Synthesis of Vitamin D
The skin can sparse vitamin D when exposed to sunshine
Skin pigmentation (melanin) is lost from smaller or larger patches at different regions of the body;Ā the exact cause of this disease is not yet known
Complete loss of pigmentation of the skin all over the body including hair, eyebrows, eyelashes and even the iris
In this the hair is lifted called piloerection*,Ā (pile
hair) and the surface of the skin presents a somewhat contracted and wrinkled appearance
It is the hard and outer part of the nail
Bed (root)
It lies below the nail plate
It lies just below the skin surface at the base of the nail
Sebum accumulation, causes the growth of bacteria because it is nutritive, gets infected and results in the formation of boils and pimples
Sebaceous glands get inflamed due to hormonal influence
Sebaceous glands of the face get enlarged due to accumulated sebum
Meibomian glands
These are modified sebaceous glands which open on the margins of the eyelids
Ceruminous glands
These are modified sebaceous glands found in the auditory canal and secrete wax-like substances called cerumen or earwax which lubricate and protect the delicate eardrum from dust particles and germs
All mammals including humans are warm-blooded (endothermal
body heat generated from inside); so also are birds
A suitable (optimum) temperature of 35Ā°C
40Ā°C is essential for normal body activities, especially for the action of enzymes
About 85 per cent of the body heat is lost through the skin by convection, conduction, radiation and through evaporation of sweat
Heat is lost in the warm air which is breathed out
Urine and Faeces
These substances are eliminated at body temperature
Heat is also lost when cold food, water, or cold beverages are taken into the body
When the outside temperature is low, the blood vessels get narrowed (vasoconstriction)
In Hot Weather
When the outside temperature is high or when a person is engaged in strenuous physical work, which means overproduction of heat within the body, the blood supply to the skin is increased by the dilation of blood vessels in the skin (vasodilation)