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Computed Tomography
imaging using x rays and computer processed measurements to produce cross-sectional images acquired in axial plane
Why is CT used?
projection radiography limited - structures superimposed, good differentiation of structures with low contrast resolution
CT Detector
converts x-rays into electrical signals
Xenon Detector
60-70% efficiency
Solid State Detector
98% efficiency
CT Detector Characteristics
small - better spatial resolution
high detection efficiency and high sensitivity
fast response time with negligible afterglow
high stability to function under high speeds of rotating gantry
Modifications of CT Tube
larger and thicker
absorbs and dissipates large amounts of heat
modified cathode assembly produces smaller focal spot
metal envelope and ceramic insulators
flying focal spot
measure of x-ray penetration through material, quantifies how much beam is weakened by material
Attenuation Coefficient
fraction of x-ray absorbed or scattered per unit thickness
What is the purpose of Slip Ring Technology?
transmits power and electrical signals from stationary structure to rotating structure, gantry can rotate without wired connections
Ray Sum
transmission of x ray beam through body section
Attenuation profile
all the ray sums coming from the volumes of material in a rotation
Back Projection
reconstruction algorithm producing cross sectional images, creates stripes of grey associated with certain attenuation
What data does back projection use to produce images?
attenuation profile, angle data was acquired in
Filtered Back Projection
altering projection data before the back-projections, fixes blurring problem in standard back projection
Sharpening Filter
picks up sharp edges in algorithm within projection and subtracts out extra smearing caused by back projection
Image Filtering
using algorithms to increase sharpness/smoothness
What effect is created when a sharpness filter is increased too much?
increasing sharpness filter too much increases noise
Iterative Reconstruction
image reconstruction algorithm that begins with image assumption and compares it to real time measured values while making constant adjustment
Iterative Reconstruction Process
computer expects generic set of data common to anatomy being scanned based on past images, uses real time measured values to build on existing data
Benefits of Iterative Reconstruction
quicker acquisition as is building on already present data
widely used due to improvement of computer processing power
overcomes noise associated with filtered back projection - improves image quality reduce artifacts and decrease radiation dose
Image Matrix
square matrix of pixels representing tissue
picture element
volume element
Hounsfield Units
linear scale of grey scale values (densities) based on measured attenuation coefficients, CT numbers
How is CT Image Displayed
each voxel represents section of body part imaged and has associated number based on the x ray attenuation of that section
Benefits of CT Numbers/Hounsfield Units
removes subjectivity of the level of grey
allows some insight of tissue make up of anatomy
CT Windowing
greyscale manipulated via CT numbers, change appearance of image to highlight structures
Window Width
range of CT numbers in an image, controls contrast
Small Window Width
short grey scale
small block of CT numbers assigned grey levels
small transition zone of white to black level
centred near average CT no. of organ interested
Large Window Width
long grey scale
large block of CT number assigned grey levels
large transition zone of white to black
used where large latitude is required
used to simultaneously display tissues greatly differing in attenuation
Window Level
midpoint of CT number range, controls brightness.
Helical CT
x ray tube continuously rotating in same direction within gantry whilst patient is continuously moving along z axis
Axial CT
tube stops and rotates to acquire data from single slice, patient movement stopped and started
Helical CT Requirements
slip ring technology
high power x ray tubes
interpolation algorithms
Helical CT Advantages
avoids motion artefact from breathing
controlling pitch can reduce scan time and radiation dose
can control slice thickness
more effective use of contrast
measure of overlap through scanning, defined by speed of table movement through the gantry
Pitch Calculation
table travel per rotation/x ray beam width
Higher Pitch
pitch number greater than 1, table travels more than width of beam, gaps between data acquired
Benefits of Higher Pitch
lower dose because missing sections of patient, quicker scan
Limitations of Higher Pitch
lower image quality as fewer projections obtained
Lower Pitch
pitch number less than 1, table travels less than width of beam, overlap in data acquired
Advantage of Lower Pitch
better z-axis resolution so better image quality
Limitation of Lower Pitch
higher patient dose
image reconstruction mechanism that estimates values using known data from nearby points
creates virtual slices
converts helical path to transverse slices
Advantage of Interpolation
data not missed without patient dose increasing
Disadvantage of Interpolation
overall image will be diagnostic but not of same quality as if directly acquired
Interpolation Algorithm
mathematical process required to reconstruct axial images from spiral volume data set
Slice Thickness
determines trade-off in image quality between spatial resolution and image noise determined by collimation and detector selection
Thinner Slice Thickness
increase in spatial resolution but increases image noise
Acquired Slice Thickness
thickness of each slice set in scan parameters
What is the thickness of the smallest acquired slice?
smallest thickness cannot be less than smallest detector size
Reconstruction Slice Thickness
reconstructing acquired slices into thinner slices, depends on acquired slice thickness, determined in reconstruction parameters
Slice Interval
distance between centres of adjacent slices, determines number of images in series
Contiguous Slices
interval equals thickness, no anatomy missed
Non-contiguous Slices
interval greater than thickness, some anatomy missed, less images in series
Overlapped Slices
interval less than thickness, some anatomy shown in adjacent slices, more images in series
Multi Detector CT, multiple slices in one acquisition.
Advantages of MDCT
faster screening time - fewer motion artefacts
reduced patient risk - less time on table
longer scans possible - more slices acquired per rotation
less sedation
less contrast
thinner slices - improved z axis resolution
Uniform Detector
all detector rows have same width
Non-uniform Detector
central rows thinner, wider towards edges fewer septae improves dose efficiency
Hybrid Detector
same width detectors but central detectors narrower than outer rows
Beam Pitch
table distance traveled per rotation divided by total thickness of all simultaneously acquired slices
Cone Beam Acquisition
more detectors and more slices create wider beam width, cone beam required to cover whole detector width
Cone Beam Artefacts
misrepresentation occurs due to angle of beam as it diverges
When are Cone Beam Artefacts more likely to occur?
when objects caught by the periphery of the beam
Titled/Oblique Reconstruction
produces non-axial images filtered into standard axial.
Feldkamp Algorithm
uses 3D back projection to reconstruct cone beam acquisition
divided into 3D voxels not 2D matrix of pixels
Good Image Quality
measure of how suitable an image is for its intended diagnostic purpose
visibility of anatomical structures, various tissues and signs of pathology
What makes good image quality?
good low contrast detectability
low noise
good high spatial resolution
artefact free
Desirable Attributes of CT Imaging
good image quality, fast scanning
Factors Affecting Spatial and Contrast Resolution
scanner design (hardware and software)
scan acquisition parameters
reconstruction parameters
patient factors
Factors Only Affecting Perception of Image
post-processing parameters
image viewing conditions
display resolution
observer performance
What is the effect of Scanner Design on resultant image?
influences spatial and contrast resolution
Scan Acquisition Parameters
Settings that affect image capture quality.
Reconstruction Parameters
Settings that influence image reconstruction quality.
Radiation Dose Trade-off
keeping patient dose as low as possible whilst maintaining diagnostic image quality
Thicker Slices
lower noise but lower spatial resolution
Post-processing parameters
settings applied after image acquisition to enhance quality
Contrast Resolution
ability to distinguish differences in image shades
Low Contrast Detectability
ability to detect an object with small difference in attenuation coefficient from its homogeneous background influenced by image noise
variation in CT numbers not related to true attenuation coefficient
due to not enough photons reaching detector
Stochastic noise
from random variations in detected photon numbers
Electronic noise
noise from measuring system
Structural noise
noise from reconstruction algorithm
Quantifying Noise
measured as standard deviation of pixel values in uniform medium
What does a more standard deviation mean in terms of noise?
higher noise has more SD and spread of values
Factors Affecting Noise
scanner specifications and designs
scanning acquisition parameters
reconstruction parameters
patient factors
Factors Affecting Noise - Scanner Specifications and Designs
efficiency of detectors
x ray beam filtration
scanner geometry
Factors Affecting Noise - Scanning Acquisition Parameters
tube voltage/current
scan time
slice thickness
What is the relation between mAs and kV and noise?
increasing mAs and kV reduces noise
Factors Affecting Noise - Reconstruction Parameters
back projection algorithms, noise filters
Factors Affecting Noise - Patient factors
patient size, to maintain constant noise mAs must be doubled for every extra 4cm of tissue
Tube current
amount of current affects photon production
Spatial resolution
measure of how far two objects must be apart before they can be seen as separate details in image
differentiating between two points close together
Line pairs
measured in lp/cm, indicates spatial resolution
Transaxial resolution
resolution across patient's axial plane
Z-axis resolution
measure of sensitivity of scanner to objects along z-axis
affects visualisation of small objects
important for 3D reconstructions
affected by slice thickness
What is the effect of small focal spot size on image resolution?
gives higher transaxial resolution
What is the effect of large focal spot size on image resolution?
increase geometrical unsharpness - penumbra