Broiler and layer litter has been used for many years.
High nitrogen content
Animal Waste Processing
Several weeks for increased temperature to 160° F growth stopped at 80° F and killed at 145° F
Used successfully for many years
No documented animal health problems
Animal Waste Processing
CHO are converted to lactic, acetic and other acids
Heat is generated killing pathogens
Nutritive value is improved by blending with other feed ingredients such as cereal grains prior to ensiling and adjust to 40% moisture
Residues from medicines and minerals may not be affected by ensiling so be cautious
No disease problem from ensiling
type of processing
Increases caloric density of ration
improves palatability
faciliatates absorption of vit. A & D
Supplies Linoleic acid: animal body requires linoleic acid (all species; ruminant microbes can synthesis)
delays hunger: fats require longer period in the stomach than CHO & protein
effective antioxidant
under adding fats
type of processing
5 - 15% of diet it has about 75% energy value of corn
Appetizer and controls dust
In humid conditions should be limited to 5% of ration as mold can develop; Addition of Calcium propionate can control mold
type of processing
Propionic and Acetic at 1 to 1.5 % at time of harvest to inhibit molds and bacteria
type of processing
Rice, barley, oat straw; bagasse; tree bark; corn cobs; gin trash; newspaper; and seed hulls.
In their natural state are poor feedstuffs because of lignin or silica or a combination of the two encrust the energy-rich CHO, cellulose, and hemicellulose and keeps microbes from breaking them down to release the energy.
Must open up to permit digestion by microbes
cost is high; used in high feed cost
Type of Treatment of High Cellulose Feeds
Alkali – sodium hydroxide, calcium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide
Increases digestion of cell walls
Increase energy digestibility by 10%
Decreases nitrogen digestibility through heating effect. Therefore improved performance with added protein sources
Used during WW I in Germany when critical shortages of animal feed occurred
Type of Treatment of High Cellulose Feeds
Air-tight enclosure and adding anhydrous ammonia or liquid nitrogen; 3.0-3.5 % anhydrous and take about 20 days.
Adds NPN
No mineral residue such as chemical
Increases CP by 3 - 10%
Increases TDN and DE by 3 - 23%
Increases animal intake
Prevents molding
Dangerous to use - VERY TOXIC
Type of Treatment of High Cellulose Feeds
Residue pH = 11.5 = mushy, then rinsed off and dried
Can be used wet but quick
Has better feed values than corn silage
Too expensive and a patent is pending on the process
Requires a lot of water
Type of Treatment of High Cellulose Feeds
Used with and without chemicals
Aspen (wood) has been shown to have digestibility of up to 56%
Sheep consumed at 60% of the ration (normal body weight gains and carcass traits)
type of processing
Makes greater efficiency in feeding and lessens sorting at feed bunk.
Forces consumption of ingredients not highly palatable
Can limit concentrate consumption
Easier to get animals on full feed
Easier to automate
Provide better control of nutrient intake
Species involved: Dairy, Beef Feedlot, Sheep, Chickens
type of processing
controls dust & fines
lubricates equipments
solidify in cold weather
high levels cause pellet ot be soft
Added at the levels of:
5-10% swine & poultry
2-6% in ruminants
lower consumption if exceeded
type of processing
degree of unsaturated fats important in availability of vitamins
digestibility w/saturation
relationship b/w degree of saturation & type of body fat formed; especially in monogastrics
high levels of unsaturated fats produce soft pork
cappuccino machines in dairy cows