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The Triple Alliance
- Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy
- Germans wanted a "place in the sun"
- Alsace and Lorraine were annexed to Germany
- Bismarck created alliance to keep Germany together
- If a member became involved in war w/ 2 or more ppl, allies should help w military
- failed "reinsurance" treaty with Russia
The Triple Entente
- France, Britain, Russia
- French (radicals) vs. Russia (autocratic)
- British and France agree dot forget Fashoda
- Was an entente cordiale (didn't talk about war)
- British were uncertain about Germany's goals and formed alliance
1st Morocco Crisis
- Germans felt encircled by Entente
- Wilhelm II made speech in favor of Moroccan independence, trying to keep France out of Morocco
- Reinforced alliance
2nd Morroccan Crisis
- The Panther, a German gunboat arrived "to protect German interests"
- Germans wanted French Congo
- got some parts of it
1st Balkan Crisis
- south Slavs/Yugoslavs felt like they were one people
- wanted independece, Serbs said to go there
- Russia turned to Balkans/Turkish after Russo-Japan war
- Secret agreement and Bosnia became independent
The assasination
- The Sarajevo Crisis
- 1914: young Bosnian revolutionary, member of "Union or Death,"/Black Hand assassinated the heir to the Habsburg empire
- in the streets of Sarajevo, in the Austrian Empire.
Austrias' Response to assasination
- Austria wanted to crush Serbia
- Germans issued a "blank check"
- Sent ultimatum saying to punish the assasinators
- Serbs agreed
- Austria still declared war
Russia's response to assasination
- Defended Serbia
- Mobilized army on Germa frontier
- Germans declared war on Russia and France
- Decision was based on hope Britain wouldn't enter
- French Channel was open to German attack unless Britain defended it
Causes of WW1
IMAGINE F (fear)
- Imperialism, countries wanting to conquer and protect land
- Internal Problems (Germany, Russia)
Militarism, belief of having powerful military
- Alliances
- Two camps of Europe
- All lived in fear of war, stood by allies to protect themselves
- The Evasiveness of Britain: Germany wouldn't have declared war if they knew English were joining
- Geography
- Germany was encircled
- alliances
- Nationalism
- Economic Goals
- international economy but a national policy
- industrial countries: needed imports and exports
- Drove imperialism
Schlieffen Plan
- Reach Paris in 42 days through Belgium
- Forced France to retreat
- Wanted to delay Russian army, conquer France, then defeat Russians
- Abandoned plan because they overestimated Russian army in the east
- Underestimated F & Belgian resistance in the wes
- Switched to defensive war
- Violated Belgain's treaty of neutrality
Battle of Marne
- F & B attacked gap between German armies
- Moltke ordered retreat and was replaces with Falkenhayn
- Took high ground on River Aisne, and British dug trenches (new long warfare tactics)
- Then threatened to capture Antwerp
- France won (abandonment),
- Germans moved their after Marne
- Waterlogged from flooding
- King Albert ordered the river channel to flood countryside
- sacrificed his country to sto pGermans
Battles of Ypres
- armies were trying to move around each other
- Germans had high ground, offensive
- Generals ordered troops to attack in masses across open fields
- Defense cut them down with artillery
- long line from border to border w trenches
- Germans used illegal gas
- Soldiers quickly adapted by using hankerchiefs
- failed to take advantage of gas surprise
Nueve Chapelle
- Hard for B & F to get out of trenches to attack
- Generals made new tactic:
Shelled german trenches then charged across open space
- Germans fired from trenches
- Fear from constant shelling
- Bad communication made it hard to follow dents
- Germans made 2nd line of trenches
- Britain tried to use artillery, airplanes, and troops at same time as surprise
Eastern Front
- To get to Berlin, Russians had to go through East Prussia
Battle of Tannenberg
- Hindenburg and Ludendorff vs. Samsonov
- Both Entente and the Central Powers were learning how to use the radio, became lazy about encoding their messages
- heard message ab Samsonov and Rennenkampf revealing they wouldn't help each other
- Germans encircled Russians and won
- Samsonov attacked instead of fighting and killed himself rather
- Massive German victory
- attacked near Mansurian lakes
- defeated them majorly, even though Schlieffen Plan was to only delay the Russians from invading (abandonment)
- French, Austrian, and Anzacs on Italy
- Trap ottomans on peninsula and take it
- Large wave of people against fortified beaches
- People dying for no reason
Italy and Bulgarians
- Bulgarians entered central powers and Italy to allies
- Italy's army sucked
- Italy was part of the alps, easy to defend
- Three attacks against Austrians by the Italians: flooding, hard to dig trenches, easy to fall off, very scary
Britain's weapons
- India had fewer machine guns than British
- British were lacking weapons
- howitzers, mortars, grenades for trench warfare
Trench warfare
- B & F believed attacking German trenches would win
- Germans responded good, and soldiers who broke through lines couldn't communicate back
- French wanted to defend since trenches worked better than attacks
Trench psychological
- Hard to live in them
- Bathrooms were terrible
- Couldn't sleep
- Dead were lying
- 2 feet of water
- Took an hour to climb out, people slipped and died
- disease
Trench warfare on eastern front
- Only developed in specific zones
- Created stalemate and little movement
- Eastern was 2x longer than western
- geography and technology made maneuveric battles
- west: trenches protected from modern weaponry
- Germany using gas was propaganda for allies
- Germans evil behavior when invading Belgium
- Barbanism vs. moral righteousness
- fighting w symbols of masculinity/heros to recruit
- women take on men's roles
Race to the Sea
- After loss at Marne
- F & B and Germans
- Trying to get to coast of Belgium and France through trenches
- Key factor since war was so long
- Deadly influenza hurt it
- Manpower crisis began early
Battle of Somme
- B & F attacked along the old Somme battlefields
- B used new technologies (artillery to identify and immobilize), airplanes and tanks
- Germans withdrew w low morale
- "black day of the German army"
- Didn't have big breakthrough, pointless lives lost
Battle of Verdun
- Germans attacked French
- French won
- Long and bloody, but failed
- Heavy casualties on both sides
Russia exiting the war
- Big loss when central powers captured warsaw and poland
- their only advantage was geography
- Bolsheviks wanted to leave to stop revolution
U.S. entering war
- After Germans attacked their ship
- Zimmerman telegram: submarine warfare made them angry against Germans
Ludendorffs operations
Operation Michael:
- Attacked British w explosives and gas
- Paul Hubb wrote about being hungry
Operation Georgette
- In Flanders, attacked w shelligns then stormtroopers
- Haig said not to retreat
- British had orderl retreat and stopped capture of Ypres
Operation Blucher-York
- Attack on Paris
- Capt. Lloyd Willaims said "Hell, we just got here"
- Germans becaame interested in epace negotiatons
End of WWI
- Allies blocked a starving Germany
- Germany had revolutions
- Kaiser accepted Wilson's Fourteen Points
- Max -> Ebert (concluded armistice Nov 11)
- Germany wanted fairness in treaty
Mudros armistice
- Ottoman's and Allies
- Harsh terms, surrender all terriotires outside of Turkey
- Allies had control inside
Treaty of Versailles
- og terms were unfair
- Erzburger negotiated them
- B & F wanted revenge, and to expand colonies into Africa
- Japan wanted German ports in China
- Italy wanted Austrian territory
- return Alsace and Lorraine to France
- Lost all colonial possessions to the League of Nations
- Give up eastern territories so a Polish nation could be created
- Couldn't have more than 100,000 soldiers
- Navy was 12 ships
- Give up all submarines, tanks, and military aircraft
- Pay full war reparations to the Allies
article 231
Germany had to take blame for the war, humiliating
Post war
- During the war people embraced violence, brutal behavior became normal, and after violence remained accepted
- Landscape was ruined
- An artiller war
- New war with old generals
- Neither side could attack, barbed wire and guns
- killing people w explosives (not caring who they kill)