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process of passing an electric current through an electrolyte to cause a nonspontaneous reaction
used in the manufacture of drugs and dyes
alloy with aluminum forms a very strong, lightweight metal used in aircraft and spacecraft
used to remove oxygen from vacuum tubes
fill in the blank
______ metals are most commonly used in their compounds
sodium hydroxide
sodium compound that is used in the preparation of many products and is a primary ingredient in many drain and oven cleaners
sodium carbonate
used in the production of glass; soda ash
sodium hydrocarbonate
baking soda
alkaline earth metals
group 2 metals; harder and denser than metals but still softer and less dense than most metals
fill in the blank
all the alkaline earth metals except ________ are prepared by the electrolysis of the molten chloride at high temperatures
hard water
forms scummy deposits due to the presence of calcium, magnesium, or iron(II) ions
ion-exchange resins
synthetic organic polymers that soften water by replacing hard-water ions with other ions
used in windows in x-ray tubes
alkaline earth metal that burns in air with a bright white flame
essential component of bones and teeth that is also involved in nerve excitation, vision, and muscle contraction
calcium oxide
one of the most heavily used chemical in the US
calcium carbonate
main component of limestone that is used extensively in iron ore reduction and in cement manufacture; limestone
light, silvery-white metal that is the third most abundant element and the most abundant metal in the earth’s crust
the main form of aluminum ore (the major ore)
hall-heroult process
process in which pure aluminum metal is produced from alumina by electrolysis
magnetic material; nickel, iron, cobalt
thermite process
highly exothermic reaction of aluminum powder with oxygen from iron(III) oxide
dense metal used in car and truck batteries, weights, small-arms ammunition, and radiation shielding