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Whose power did Henry ll expand?
Expanded power of king and royal court system
What did Henry ll introduce to England?
Common law
Who had problems with the Catholic Church during the middle ages in England?
Henry ll
What establishment under King John came to limit the King's power?
The Magna Carta
Who does Edward l summon to meet about planning war against France?
Model Parliament
What was the Model Parliament comprised of?
House of Lords and House of Commons
Why did the Spanish want the Muslims out?
The Spanish were Catholic
What was the Recoquista?
An effort to drive Muslims out of Spain
What events showed Europe's expansionist tendencies?
The Crusades
What was the purpose of the formation of the Dominicans, Franciscans, and Poor Clares?
To spread the word of God
How did Gregory Vll reform the Church?
By removing it from state control and getting rid of investiture, or state appointment of bishops
Where was the Holy Roman Empire located?
How did many religious scholars in Europe begin to look at religion?
From a philosophical view point and with reason
What did other scholars in Europe argue?
Beliefs should be based on faith
During this time period, there was renewed learning in what?
Classic Greek works, as well as study of Arab and Jewish learning
What did Thomas Aquinas write?
Summa Theologiae, which believed faith came first, but expanded the use of reason
During this time in Europe there was more emphasis on what?
More emphasis on past learning than on new research
The Europeans appeared to follow Christian rituals with a mixture of what other rituals?
Pagan rituals
During the developments in Europe how did the viewpoint on Mary and other saints change?
Increased veneration of Mary
What did the arts in Europe deal exclusively with?
Religious material
What churches spread with the developments in Europe?
Romanesque churches
What kind of architecture emerged during the developments in Europe?
Gothic architecture with ribs and flying buttresses (i.e. Chartres, France)
What was the benefit of stained glass in many churches during this time?
Allowed priests to teach through the use of pictures rather than words
What was scholarly writing done in?
Latin, but increased vernacular for other works (i.e. The Song of Roland, Beowulf, The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer)
What was the struggle between serfs and landlords over?
Rights and freedom
What became an important enterprise for trade?
What did trade lead to in Europe?
The origins of capitalism, free market economy
Who developed their own commercial law administered by city courts?
What were guilds?
An association of people who worked at the same occupation
What did merchant guilds do?
Regulate trade, tax nonmembers, encourage fair business practices, and social clubs
Who were the precursors to unions?
What did craft guilds do?
Regulate industry, decide what was produced, hours/wages, quotas, and prices
What were the centers of trade?
Who was the Hundred Years' War between?
France and England
What kind of society developed throughout the Middle Ages?
Patriarchal society
Women were important in the home, more status than _____
The Hundred Years' War was broken into how many stages?
4 main stages to the war where England and France swapped territories
What did the 4th stage of the Hundred Years War see an emergence of?
Joan of Arc and the reestablishment of French control over their land
Where did Europeans borrow their ideas from?
Other superior societies, but were hostile towards their mentors
What in Europe was affected by other civilizations?
Government and agriculture
What was the manorial system?
The economic and political situation between landlord and laborer
In the manorial system, what were laborers referred to as?
What did the manorial system lack?
Technology and agricultural innovation
What helped to improve agriculture in the 9th century?
The three-field system
Who came from Scandinavia, believed in pagan gods, and attacked swiftly?
Who was actually the first to discover the Americas?
Vikings, who discovered the Americas 492 years before Christopher Columbus
How was the Christian church organized?
Into parishes with a bishop
Who did the bishop of Rome become?
The pope
What did Gregory l strengthen?
Papal power, through missionaries, books, and getting more involved in political arguments
Who began converting Germanic peoples to Christianity?
Who was Clovis of the Franks?
The first king of France
What were monasteries?
Stable, places of learning, copied books
What did new agricultural techniques provide?
Greater yield for crops
What caused the Vikings terror to end?
Conversion to Christianity
What was feudalism in Europe based on?
The holding of land
What was the feudal system in Europe?
(1) Lord/King (2) Vassal/Lord (3) Knight (4) Serf
The Hundred Year's war led to the introduction of what new weapon?
Longbow of the Cannon
What caused the erosion of the power of the aristocracy in England?
New methods of fighting
What is a bull?
Official statements made by the pope
What did Boniface VIII issue in 1296?
A bull that said kings were not to tax the clergy
What did Unam Santam issue in 1302?
A bull that declared there were two powers on earth, a heavenly power and an earthly power
Why did Philip ignore the bull that Unam Santam issued in 1302?
It declared that the heavenly power was over the earthly power, which meant the pope was over kings
Who kidnapped Boniface VIII in 1303?
Philip IV
Who did Philip have placed as pope after he kidnapped Boniface?
A French archbishop, moved him to Avignon in France
Who did the French cardinals choose as the new pope?
Clement VII
What did the installation of Clement VII cause?
Argument over who was the true pope
Why did the French dislike Pope Urban VI?
He chose to satisfy the Italians
What encouraged cities to be built and trade to expand?
Population growth
What led to the spread of education and literacy?
Economic and urban expansion
What did feudalism in Europe emphasize?
Local protection, local government, and local self-sufficiency
What was the feudal contract?
Where the vassal publicly pledged allegiance to the lord
What was the land given to the vassal known as?
How would 10 sacks of grain be distributed according to Europe's feudal system?
1 sack went to the Church, 5 sacks went to the lord/vassal and knights, and the other 4 sacks went to the rest of society
What did knights develop?
Code of Chivalry
Whose power did the Church and aristocracy limit?
The kings