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Given (i,j), it is said that vertices i and j are adjacent.
The neighborhood of a node is the set of nodes adjacent to it.
N(v) = { i ∈ V | (i,v) ∈ E }
The number of neighbors (adjacent nodes) a vertex has.
Generalized Graph Classes
Weighted, Directed
Weighted Graphs
Every edge (i,j) ∈ E is associated with a weight wij
Directed Graphs
All edges have a direction such that (i,j) means i → j
Does not necessarily imply that (i,j) = (j,i)
Basic Graph Types
Basic graph types include complete graphs, bipartite graphs, and triangles.
Complete Graph
Every pair of vertices is connected by an edge.
Bipartite Graph
All vertices can be separated into two groups. Edges only cross between gaps. No two vertices in a group share an edge.
A set of three nodes that all share edges.
Edge Structures
Three common kinds of edge structures are edges, matchings, and connected components.
A sequence of edges joining a sequence of vertices.
A set of edges without common vertices.
Connected Component
A maximal subgraph in which there is a path between every pair of nodes in the subgraph.
Common Graph Optimization Problems
Shortest path, maximum bipartite matching, finding connected components.
Graph Representation
The two means of representing a graph are either through an adjacency list or an adjacency matrix.
Adjacency List
The set of nodes such that each element in the adjacency list contains a list of adjacent nodes.
Adjacency Matrix
A matrix where each row/column represents the i-th/j-th vertex. An entry is either a 0 for no edge, or a 1 for an edge. Adj[2][3] indicates that there is an edge from 2 → 3.