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What does CRUD stand for?
Create, read, update, delete
What are the join types
Inner join, left/right outer join, full outer, cross
What does inner join return
rows only returned if they exist in both tables
left outer join results
all rows returned from first table, matching rows from second table, missing values are null
right outer join results
all rows from second table, matching rows, missing are null
full outer join results
all rows from both tables, missing values are null
cross join results
eacb row from left table is joined with each row from right table
what is the order of clauses in a SELECT statement?
select, from, where, group by, having, order by
what is the best date format?
how do you write a DATEDIFF statement
DATEDIFF(datepart, startdate, enddate)
How do you write a DATEADD statement
DATEADD(datepart, num, date)
What are the basic predicates?
=, <, >, <=, >=, <>, etc.
BETWEEN predicate
shortened version of >= AND <=
EXISTS predicate
tests for existence of certain rows using a subquery
IN predicate
compares a value with a set of values
LIKE predicate
searches for strings with a certain pattern, % matches any num of characters, _ matches a single character
NULL predicate
tests for null values
What is an ERD
a form of semantic modeling, description of data in a system
What is an entity?
something or someone that contains data/info
What are the 3 kinds of relationships?
1:1, 1:M, M:N