Data Management Foundations

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Data can vary by

scope, format, access

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3 software tools to manage database (and what they do):

  • database management system (reads and writes data)

  • query (retrieves)

  • database application (for user interaction)

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Requirements for large databases (5):

  • Performance 

  • Authorization  (managed by db admin)

  • Security 

  • Rules  

  • Recovery 

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what is a transaction

a group of queries that must either be completed or rejected as a whole

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3 rules for processing transactions

  • Ensure transactions are processed completely or not at all 

  • Prevent conflicts between concurrent transactions 

  • Ensure transactions results are never lost 

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define the term architecture

describes the internal components and relationships between them

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List and define the 3 main architecture components of databases (varies in real life)

  • Query processor interprets queries, creates a plan to modify the database or retrieve data, and returns query results to the application. Performs query optimization to ensure the most efficient instructions are executed on the data.

  • Storage manager translates the query processor instructions into low-level file-system commands that modify or retrieve data. Uses indexes to quickly locate data. (access to data must go through SM!)

  • Transaction manager ensures transactions are properly executed. Prevents conflicts between concurrent transactions and restores the database to a consistent state in the event of a transaction or system failure.

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What is a catalog? What is a log?

  • Catalog - directory of tables, columns, indexes, and other objects. Describes the database, “data dictionary”

  • Log - a files consisting a complete record of all inserts, updates, and deletes. written by the transaction manager

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What is a relational database?

stores data in tables, columns, and rows, similar to a spreadsheet

All relational databases support the Structured Query Language (SQL)  

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What is NoSQL? Provide an example

newer non-relational systems that are optimized for big data

example: MongoDB - NoSQL- Open source - 5

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What are the 3 phases for database design? Include diagram types for each

  1. Analysis phase specifics database requirements (as entities, relationships, and attributes ) without regard to a specific database system 

    • ER Diagram

  2. Logical design - This phase implements database requirements in a specific database system. Converts entities, relationships, and attributes into tables, keys, and columns

    • Table Diagram

  3. Physical design - This phase add indexes and specifies how tables are organized on storage media 

    • No diagram, specified with CREATE INDEX

NOTE: logical affects query results, but physical only affects processing speed. (data independence)

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What is an API and how is it used in database programming

  • Since db programs are written with SQL and other object-oriented languages (like C++, Java, Python), an API is needed

  • API – a library of procedures or classes that links a host programming language to a database 

  • Host language calls library procedures, which do things like connect to database, execute queries, and returning results

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Who sponsors MySQL


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What is the MySQL Command-Line Client

MySQL Command-Line Client – a text interface included in the MySQL Server download.  It allows developers to connect to the database server, perform admin functions, and execute SQL statements 

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What is a database model (and its 3 parts)? What is the most common model?

  • Database model – a conceptual framework for database systems, with 3 parts : 

    • Data structures – prescribe how data is organized 

    • Operations – manipulate data structures 

    • Rules – govern valid data 

  • Relational model – a database model based on tabular structure  

    • Initially designed for transactional data, but has improved their support for big data 

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Explain the difference between a set and a tuple

  • Set – an unordered collection of elements enclosed in braces 

    • Ie {a,b,c} is the same as {c,b,a} 

  • Tuple – an ordered collect of elements enclosed in braces  

    • Ie (a,b,c) and (c,b,a) are different 

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List synonyms for Table, Column, and Row

  • Table, File, Relation

  • Row, Record, Tuple

  • Column, Field, Attribute

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In SQL how do you insert a comment?

  • - - for single line comment

  • /* for multi- line */

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What are the 5 SQL sub-languages?

  • Data Definition Language (DDL) defines the structure of the database. 

    • Creates, alters, and drops tables (ex CREATE) 

  • Data Query Language (DQL) retrieves data from the database. 

    • Selects data from a table (ex SELECT) 

  • Data Manipulation Language (DML) manipulates data stored in a database. 

    • Inserts, updates, and deletes data in a table (ex INSERT) 

  • Data Control Language (DCL) controls database user access. 

    • Grants and revokes permissions to and from users (ex GRANT) 

  • Data Transaction Language (DTL) manages database transactions. 

    • Commits data to database, rolls back data from db, and creates savepoints (ex COMMIT) 

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What does SHOW do? Syntax?

  • SHOW provides users and admin with info about db, its contents, and server status 

    • You can SHOW DATABASES, columns, tables, show create table, etc

  • first need to use USE to select database

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What are the 4 common table rules?

  1. Exactly one value per cell 

  2. No duplicate column names 

  3. No duplicate rows (often allowed for temp tables)

  4. No row order 

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What is data independence? Why is it beneficial?

  • Data independence – row order does not affect query results 

  • This allows users/admin to improve query performance by changing organization of data on storage devices, without affecting query results 

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List 3 ways to alter a table

  • ALTER TABLE tablename

    ADD columnname data type;

  • ALTER TABLE tablename

    CHANGE currentcol newcol newdatatype;

  • ALTER TABLE tablename

    DROP colname;

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Integer data type ranges

  • TINYINT 1 byte

    • Signed range: -128 to 127

    • Unsigned range: 0 to 255

  • SMALLINT 2 bytes

    • Signed range: -32,768 to 32,767

    • Unsigned range: 0 to 65,535

  • MEDIUMINT 3 bytes

    • Signed range: -8,388,608 to 8,388,607

    • Unsigned range: 0 to 16,777,215

  • INTEGER or INT 4 bytes

    • Signed range: -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647

    • Unsigned range: 0 to 4,294,967,295

  • BIGINT 8 bytes

    • Signed range: -2^63 to 2^63 -1

    • Unsigned range: 0 to 2^64 -1

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Syntax for inserting rows into table

  • INSERT [INTO] tablename (columns,…)

    VALUES (values, …);

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Syntax for Updating rows

  • UPDATE tablename

    SET col1=value1, col2=val2,…

    WHERE condition;

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Syntax for deleting rows

  • DELETE FROM tablename

    WHERE condition;

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What is a primary key, its two types, and its requirements? Column or table constraint?

  • PK - a column, or group of columns used to identify a row

  • types : single PK (one column) or composite PK (multiple columns)

  • Requirements:

    • unique

    • Not NULL

    • minimal (for composite)

  • Table constraint

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What is a foreign key and its requirements? Syntax?

  • FK - a column or group of columns that refer to a primary key (must be same data type)

  • Requirements:

    • Referential integrity - foreign keys must either be NULL or match some value of the reference primary key 

  • (table constraint)


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What is referential integrity

all FK values must match primary or be fully NULL 

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What are the 4 common constraints used for referential integrity violations

  • RESTRICT rejects an insert, update, or delete that violates referential integrity. 

  • SET NULL sets invalid foreign keys to NULL. 

  • SET DEFAULT sets invalid foreign keys to the foreign key default value. 

  • CASCADE propagates primary key changes to foreign keys. 

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How do you update or delete foreign and primary keys?

ON UPDATE and ON DELETE clauses 

  • For foreign key updates and deletes, mySQL supports RESTRICT  

  • For primary, mySQL supports all (RESTRICT, SET NULL, SET DEFAULT, CASCADE)

  • Actions are specified in ON UPDATE and ON DELETE clauses of FORIEGN /PRIMARY KEY constraint  

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What are the purpose of the UNIQUE and CHECK constraints?

  • UNIQUE ensures values in a column, or group of columns, are unique 

  • CHECK constraint that specifies an expression on one or more columns (either a col or table constraint) 

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How do you add or drop constraints?


  • ALTER TABLE tablename

    DROP CHECK constraintname;


    ADD CONSTRAINT constraintname PRIMARY KEY (column);

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Does GROUP BY appear before or after ORDER BY


Appears between WHERE and ORDER BY (if any)

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What is the HAVING clause for?

Used with GROUP BY  to filter group results 

HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 : a having clause that selects only groups with more than one row count 

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What is an INNER JOIN

  • INNER JOIN selects only matching left and right table rows.

  • INNER is optional.

appears between FROM and ON, followed by optional WHERE

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What is ON used for in a join

specifies which columns to join on

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What is a FULL JOIN

selects all left and right rows regardless of match

is not supported by mySQL

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What is a LEFT JOIN? What is a RIGHT JOIN

LEFT JOIN selects all left table rows, but only matching right table rows.

RIGHT JOIN selects all right table rows, but only matching left table rows.  

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Since MySQL doesn’t support FULL JOIN, what can be used instead?

UNION - combines the two results into one table

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Whats the difference between an equijoin and a non-equijoin?

  • equijoin

    • An equijoin compares columns of two tables with the = operator.

  • non-equijoin

    • A non-equijoin compares columns with an operator other than =, such as < and >.

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What’s a cross join?

A cross-join combines two tables without comparing columns, aka no ON clause

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What is a materialized view?

  • A materialized view is a view for which view table data is stored at all times.

  • must be refreshed when data is changed

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What is WITH CHECK OPTION used for?

used in CREATE VIEW, it rejects and generates error when inserts and updates do not satisfy the view query WHERE clause

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What is the Entity-Relationship Model? What are the 3 objects included?

  • An entity-relationship model is a high-level representation of data requirements, ignoring implementation details.

  • Includes 3 kinds of objects: 

    • An entity is a person, place, product, concept, or activity. 

    • A relationship is a statement about two entities. 

    • An attribute is a descript­ive property of an entity. 

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What are the two parts of an ER Model

  • ER Diagram (Entity Relationship Diagram) - schematic picture of entities, relationships, and attributes  

  • Glossary – also known as data dictionary or repository, documents additional details in text form  

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What is a type? How are they usually implemented?

In entity-relationship modeling, a type is a set

  • An entity type is a set of things.  

  • A relationship type is a set of related things.  

  • An attribute type is a set of values.  

Entity, relationship, and attribute types usually become tables, foreign keys, and columns, respectively. 

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What are instances? How are they implemented?

  • An instance is an element of a set

    • An entity instance is an individual thing.  

    • A relationship instance is a statement about entity instances.  

    • An attribute instance is an individual value.  

  • Entity, relationship, and attribute instances usually become rows, foreign key values, and column values, respectively 

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What are the 3 phases of Database Design in relation to ER Models?

  1. Analysis develops an entity-relationship model, capturing data requirements while ignoring implementation details

  2. Logical design converts the entity-relationship model into tables, columns, and keys for a particular database system. 

    • Entities become tables, relationships become keys (sometimes tables), and attributes become columns 

  3. Physical design adds indexes and specifies how tables are organized on storage media

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What are the first 4 steps in database design (analysis phase)

  1. discover entities, relationships, and attributes

  2. determine cardinality

  3. distinguish strong and weak entities

  4. create supertype and subtype entities

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What are steps 5-9 of database design (logical)

  1. Implement entities

  2. Implement relationships

  3. Implement attributes

  4. Apply Normal form

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What is cardinality?

Cardinality – refers to maxima and minima of relationships and attributes 

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Explain cardinality syntax for relationships and attributes

  • Max (Min)

  • either in relationship line or by attribute

  • for mins - 1 is required, 0 optional

  • NOTE Unique notation appears before max ( U-Max(Min))

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What is an identifying attribute?

An identifying attribute is unique, singular, and required. Identifying attribute values correspond one-to-one to, or identify, entity instances. 

example : ProjectNumber 1-1(1)

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What is a strong entity?

A strong entity has one or more identifying attributes. When a strong entity is implemented as a table, one of the identifying attributes may become the primary key. 

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What is a weak entity?

  • A weak entity does not have an identifying attribute. Instead, a weak entity usually has a relationship, called an identifying relationship, to another entity, called an identifying entity. Cardinality of the identifying entity is 1(1). 

  • A weak entity can also be identified by another (or multiple) weak entities 

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What are Supertype and Subtype entities?

A subtype entity is a subset of another entity type, called the supertype entity 

A supertype entity identifies its subtype entities. The identifying relationship is called an IsA relationship 

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What is Crow’s foot notation?

 crow's foot notation - depicts cardinality as a circle (zero), a short line (one), or three short lines (many) 

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What are 3 best practices for selecting primary Keys?

  • stable: value should not change.

  • simple: easy to type and store.

  • meaningless: no descriptive information.

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What is functional dependency?

Dependence of one column on another

  • Column A depends on Column B is denoted B->A (basically B is associated with 1 A) 

  • Each value of B relates to at most one value of A  

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What is redundancy, when does it occur, and what design rules are used to lower redundancy?

  • Redundancy is the repetition of related values in a table. 

  • Redundancy occurs when a dependence is on a column that is not unique

  • Normal forms are rules for designing tables with less redundancy. 

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What is first normal form (1NF)?

A table is in first normal form when each cell contains one value and the table has a primary key. This definition has two corollaries: 

  • In a first normal form table, every non-key column depends on the primary key.

  • A first normal form table has no duplicate rows.

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What is second normal form?

A table is in second normal form when all non-key columns depend on the whole primary key. In other words, a non-key column cannot depend on part of a composite primary key or a candidate key 

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What is third normal form?

Redundancy can occur in a second normal form table when a non-key column depends on another non-key column. Informally, a table is in third normal form when all non-key columns depend on the key, the whole key, and nothing but the key 

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What is Boyce-Codd Normal Form?

Every attribute should be dependent on the key, the whole key, and nothing but the key 

Boyce-Codd normal form eliminates all redundancy arising from functional dependence

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What is Normalization and what are the 3 steps to normalize tables?

  • Normalization eliminates redundancy by decomposing a table into two or more tables in higher normal form 

    1. List all unique columns. U

    2. Identify dependencies on non-unique columns. Non-unique columns are either external to all unique columns or contained within a composite unique column. 

    3. Eliminate dependencies on non-unique columns by creating new tables

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