the first stage of information processing—receiving information through the senses
central processing
the second stage of information processing—storing and sorting info in the brain
the final stage of information processing
selective attention
choosing specific things to pay attention to
feature extraction
the identification and analysis of specific elements of a sensory input, choosing specific aspects of chosen item
sensory storage
brief memory storage immediately following initial reception of a stimulus
short-term memory
storage that only stores memories if repeated
George Miller
experimenter who helped better understand sensory storage
the process of repeating something over and over to remember it better
putting items together to make one item in order to remember easier
long-term memory
memory that stores items indefinitely
the process of obtaining information that has been stored in memory
a cognitive process that involves identifying and confirming previously encountered information or stimuli
the memory retrieval in which a person is required to identify an object, idea , or situation as one they have not experienced before
the act of filling in memory with statements that make sense but are actually untrue
eidetic memory
aka total recall, the ability to reconstruct images, sounds, or events in great detail, as if you can still see them in your mind
implicit memory, learning previously learned things
proactive interference
when an earlier memory blocks a more recent memory
retroactive interference
when a later memory blocks a more recent memory
mnemonic devices
a technique used for associations to memorize info
a mental representation of a specific event or object
a sound or design that represents an object or quality
used as a label for a class of objects or events with certain common attributes
directed thinking
a systematic and logical attempt to reach a specific goal
nondirected thinking
consists of a free flow of thoughts with no particular goal or plan & depends more on images
thinking about thinking, the awareness of ones cognitive processes
specific methods for approaching problems
when a particular strategy becomes a habit
the ability to use information in such a way that the result is somehow new, original, & meaningful
the ability to overcome rigidity
a new mental arrangement of the elements of a problem
the sudden emergence of a solution by recombination of elements
the most complex unit of thought, a statement of a relation between concepts