A sound deductive argument is…
valid and its premises are true
Modus Ponens “The Mode Affirming”
Affirms the antecedent of the conditional. Ex: If I am at least 21 I have a legal right to drink beer
Modus Tollens “The Mode Denying”
Denies the antecedent of the conditional. Think “If P then Q, Not Q, Not P”
Disjunctive Argument “Either-Or”
Reasoning or the process of elimination
A good argument…
Uses a valid rule meaning it is valid and had true premises meaning it is also sound
An argument is deductively valid if…
The conclusion follows from its premises, if the premises are true then the conclusion must also be true
Denying the Antecedent looks like…
If P then Q, not P/not Q
Affirming the Consequent looks like…
If P then Q, Q/P. They can have true premises and a false conclusion which makes it invalid
If its premises are true…
then the conclusion is more probable
Philosophy is defined as…
the understanding of logical reason that pertains to the fundamental issues of human life
Logic is…
the province of philosophy. It is a normative practice about how to reason correctly
An “argument” in logic is…
a group of propositions where at least one is a premise and another is a conclusion
Premise is…
What gives evidence
Conclusion is…
What is supported by the evidence