Biodiversity hotspots
Hot spots have high biodiversity and many species that cannot be found anywhere else in the world
Genetic diversity
variations in the genetic makeup among a species
Species Diversity
the number of different species within a defined area
Habitat diversity
Ecosystem diversity
Species richness
Species evenness
The evenness of the distribution of different species in a population, ex: 5 monkeys and 5 iguanas
an ecosystem’s ability to resist change
an ecosystem’s ability to bounce back from disasters and recover to its original state after disturbances.
Ecosystem services
Benefits that ecosystems provide that help with things humans do. Provisioning, regulating, supporting, and cultural
Island Biogeography
A theory that states that the larger and closer an island is to the mainland, the more biodiverse it will be
Species-area curve
Population bottleneck
Ecological tolerance (fundamental niche)
the range of conditions in which an organism can survive
Realized niche
the niche that a species fulfills in reality
Geographic range
the area where a species can be found
mass extinction
a large-scale die-off of species
periodic disruption
episodic disruption
andom disruption
random distruption
intermediate disturbance hypothesis