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Applied Psychologists
People who use the knowledge developed by experimental psychologists to solve human problems
Behavioral View
A psychological perspective that finds the source of our actions in environmental stimuli, rather than in inner mental processes
A historical school (as well as a modern perspective) that has sought to make psychology an objective science focused only on ___ -to the exclusion of mental processes
Biological View
The psychological perspective that searches for the causes of behavior in the functioning of genes, the brain and nervous system, and the endocrine system
Clinical View
The psychological perspective emphasizing mental health and mental illness
Mental Processes, such as thinking, memory, sensation and perception
Cognitive neuroscience
An interdisciplinary field emphasizing brain activity as information processing: involves ___ psychology, neurology, biology, computer science, linguistics, and specialists from other fields who are interested in the connection between mental processes and the brain
Cognitive View
The psychological perspective emphasizing mental processes, such as learning, memory, perception, and thinking, as forms of information processing
Confirmation Bias
The tendency to attend to evidence that complements and confirms our beliefs or expectations, while ignoring evidence that does not
A complex blend of languages, beliefs, customs, values and traditions developed by a group of people and shared with others in the same environment
Developmental View
The psychological perspective emphasizing changes that occur across the lifespan
Empirical Approach
A study conducted via careful observations and scientifically based research
The twofold view that knowledge comes from experience via the sense (rather than being inborn) and observation and experiment are the basis of science
Evolutionary Psychology
A relatively new specialty in psychology that sees behavior and mental processes in terms of their genetic adaptations for survival and reproduction
Experimental Psychologists
People who do research on basic psychological processes
A historical school of psychology that believed mental processes could best be understood in terms of their adaptive purpose and function. This emphasized how behavior and mental processes enable the organism to adapt, survive and flourish
Gestalt Psychology
A historical school of psychology that sought to understand how the brain works by studying perception and perceptual learning
Humanistic Psychology
A clinical viewpoint emphasizing human ability, growth, potential and free will
The process of reporting on one's own conscious mental experiences
John Watson
He believed in behaviorism and trained a baby named Albert to fear furry objects
The field devoted to understanding how the brain creates thoughts, feelings, motives, consciousness, memories, and other mental processes
Erroneous assertions or practices, such as speculation or common sense, set forth as being scientific
A medical specialty dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders
An approach to psychology based on Sigmund Freud's assertions, which emphasize unconscious processes
Psychodynamic Psychology
A clinical viewpoint emphasizing the understanding of mental disorders in terms of unconscious needs, desires, memories and conflicts
The scientific study of behavior and mental processes
Sigmund Freud
He developed the psychodynamic approach to behavior (1856-1939)
Sociocultural View
A psychological perspective emphasizing the importance of social interaction, social learning, and a cultural perspective
A historical school of psychology devoted to uncovering the basic structures that make up mind and thought. These people sought the "elements" of conscious experience. This used self reflection (introspection) to examine the elemental ____ of the mind
Trait View
A psychological perspective that views behavior and personality as the products of enduring psychological characteristics