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How many telomeres and centromeres are on each chromosome?
2 telomeres
1 centromere
What are telomeres?
Physical ends/caps of eukaryotic chromosomes
What are telomeres made up of?
Specific DNA sequences and proteinss
What are the 2 main functions of telomeres?
1. Allow replication of extreme ends of the linear chromosome
2. Protect the ends of the DNA molecules = prevent enD-end fusion
How do telomeres protect the chromosome ends?
Prevent then ends being recognised as a DSB
What is the end replication problem?
The gap on the end of the lagging strand, left because the RNA primer cannot be replaced with DNA since the DNA pol needs to add to a primer sequence
What 3 things are needed for DNA replication?
5'-3' direction
What are the 4 model organisms for studying telomeres?
Ciliated protozoa
Mammalian cells in culture
What are ciliates?
Large single celled eukaryotes with elaborate cell structure
-have cilia on surface
Why are ciliates useful for studying telomeres?
Because they have so many micronuclei = all chromosomes have 2 telomeres = can purify lots of telomeric DNA
How many nuclei do ciliates have?
1 big macronucleus
1 small micronucleus
What are the chromosomes like in the micronucleus?
Typical + small
- many genes, linear, v. long
What are the chromosomes like in the macronucleus?
Unusual + big
-one gene, linear, v. short
What is amplified in the macronucleus?
What happens when ciliates have sex?
1. Swap micronuclei
2. Undergo meiosis
3. Segregate new micronuclei
4. DNA in micronuclei is chopped up + amplified
5. Produces macronuclei
What kind of overhang is produced in a macronucleus?
3' overhang
What organism was used to define the basic features of telomeric DNA?
Tetrahymena macronuclear rDNA
Is telomeric DNA sequence organisation conserved in evolution?
What is the structure of telomeric DNA like?
Many repeats of a short unit
What is telomeric DNA rich in, running 5'-3' towards chromosome end?
What is the sequence of Tetrahymena telomeric DNA?
200 bp
What is the sequence of human telomeric DNA?
What is telomerase DNA rich in?
In what direction does the G rich strand run in organisms with telomerase?
Towards chromosome end
Do Tetrahymena telomeres work in yeast?
What was Blackburns and Szostak's experiment with Tetrahymena and yeast telomeres?
They made a linear plasmid with Tetrahymena telomeres and inserted it into yeast
What happened to the DNA at the very end of the linear plasmid inserted into yeast?
No longer tetrahymena, but yeast telomeric DNA
What mechanism does not use pre-existing DNA template to synthesise DNA?
What is the template for telomerase?
Telomerase RNA
How do you perform the assay for telomerase allowed purification?
1. Start with primer from tetrahymena (TTGGGG)4
2. Add d*GTP (radioactively labelled) + dTTP
3. Produces (TTGGGG)4(TTGGGG)n
What does the assay for telomerase allowed purification produce?
Long radioactive G rich strand of telomeric DNA
How do you size fractionate the telomeric DNA produced from telomerase assay?
Use gel electrophoresis
What did Blackburn now have from the gel electrophoresis of telomerase?
Assay for telomerase
What are the 2 components of telomerase?
RNA component/template
What is the protein component of telomerase responsible for?
The catalytic steps
Why must the protein component be a RT?
Because it is using RNA as a template
What are the 5 steps in how telomerase works?
1. Telomerase binds to the telomere
2. RNA component aligns with existing telomere repeats
3. Telomerase synthesises new repeats using its own RNA as template
4. Telomerase repositions itself on the chromosome
5. RNA template hybridises with the DNA
What is the protein component of telomerase?
telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT)
What are EST mutants in yeast?
Extra Short Telomeres
- EST 1,2,3 genes
What happens to EST mutants in yeast?
Senescent prematurely
What is the evidence that protein TERT works in vivo?
TERT protein from Euplotes
EST mutants from yeast
-EST2 lined up with TERT sequence (homologous)
-EST2 encoded the Euloptes telomerase RT
What do Reverse Transcriptases do?
Copy sequence information from RNA to DNA
What does p123 equal?
What happens if there are mutations in the RT domain of EST?
Causes yeast to die/senesce
What is the RNA component of telomerase?
What does the RNA component of telomerase contain?
1.5 copies of the CnAn telomere repeat
What does the RNA component of telomerase act as?
A template for TnGn synthesis
In vitro what is required for TERT activity?
What is required for TERT activity in yeast, in vitro?
TER and TERT/EST2p & EST1p + EST3p
Name some proteins that are required for telomerase to be able to find the telomere?
NOP10, NHP2, dyskerin
How does telomerase TRT associate with telomeres?
Through specific interactions with TPP1
How does telomerase prevent shortening ends problem?
By adding telomeric unit repeats to ends
What happens to cells lacking telomerase?
Telomeres gradually shorten
What kind of primer is required by telomerase?
3' end of telomeric RNA