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X-Ray: Right Lateral Thorax
centre - mid thorax
collimate: thoracic inlet, last rib, dorsal and ventral skin edges
X-ray: BVA Hip Dysplasia Scheme
Centre: pubic symphysis
Collimate: Wing of ilium, mid shaft femurs and lateral skin edges
X-Ray: Left Medio Lateral Tibia and Fibula
Centre: mid fibula/fibula
Collimate: stifle joint, tarsal joint and cranial and caudal skin edges
X-Rays: Ventro-Dorsal Thorax
Centre: Mid thorax
Collimation: thoracic inlet, last rib and lateral skin edges
X-Ray: Left lateral cervical vertebrae
Centre: mid neck region
Collimation: occipital crest,, level of the first rib, dorsal skin edge, ventral neck region
X-ray: Right lateral lumbar spine
Centre: lumbar spine
Collimation: thorax-lumbar junction, great trochanter, dorsal skin surface, mid abdomen ventrally
X-Ray: Dorsa-Ventral Thorax
Centre - mid thorax
Collimation: Thoracic inlet and lateral skin edges
X-Ray: Right lateral cystogram
centre - caudal abdomen
collimation: umbilicus, ischium and dorsal and ventral skin edges
Scapel Handle
Allis tissue forceps
Babcock Forceps
Doyen bowel clamp
Rat tooth forceps
Dressing forceps
Debakey tissue forceps
Spencer Wells artery forceps
Halstead Mosquito forceps
Mayo scissors
Metzenbaum scissors
Iris scissors
Lagenbeck retractor
Travers retractors
Gelpi retractor
Balfour retractor
Olsen-Hegar Needle Holder
Gillies Needle holders
Mayo Hegar Needle holders
Spay hook
Cross action towel clip
Backhaus towel clip
Venables Bone plate
Dynamic Compression Plate
Plate benders
ASIF cancellous screw
ASIF cortical screw
Steinmann pin
Kirschner wire
Monofilament wire
Orthopaedic wire twister
Jacobs chuck
Hohmann retractor
Periosteal elevator
Liston bone cutters
Mead bone rongeur
Ferguson bone holders
Volkmann bone curette
Orthopaedic chisel
Orthopaedic osteotome
Feline chewing lice
long head
Canine chewing lice
flat head
short stubby legs
Ear mite
long legs
Canine sucking louse
thin long head
Walking dandruff
legs fat head with things coming out the side
Harvest mite
Calcium oxalate
long rectangle things
ammonium urate
brown pointy sphere
calcium phosphate
sharp long
tablet calculation
Required dose = prescribed dose x kg
number of tabs = required dose / mg of tab
IVFT calculation
Daily maintenance = Bodyweight x 50mls
Mls/hr = daily maintenance / 12hrs
Drops/minute = ml/hr / 60
Anaesthesia calculation
Tidal vol = 10-15mls/kg
minute vol = TV x Respiratory rate
Fresh Gas Flow = Minute volume x Circuit factor
Ayre's T Piece and Bain circuit factor
Lack and Mini Lack circuit factor
Injection calculation
Dose (mg/kg) x bodyweight (kg) / concentration of drug (mg/ml)
RER of Canine
30 x Bodyweight + 70
RER of feline
40 x Bodyweight
Tube feeding
Provision of food to the stomach through a tube (nose or small intestine)