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for i in range(#,#):
A loop structure that allows the execution of a block of code a specific number of times.
Output of 'for i in range(6): print(i)'
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
for i in range(1,7): print(i)
This prints numbers starting from 1 up to 6, resulting in: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
for i in range(10,41,5)
This prints numbers starting from 10 to 40, counting by fives: 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40.
A variable type that holds a string or text.
A variable type that represents an integer (whole) number.
A variable type that represents a decimal number.
A variable type that represents a boolean value, either True or False.
X = True
An example of a boolean variable assignment in Python.
Python Variables
Names that can only include letters, numbers, and underscores, cannot start with a number.
Reserved Words in Python
Keywords like while, in, and else that cannot be used as variable names.
Case-sensitive names
Variable names in Python are case-sensitive, meaning 'var' and 'Var' are different.
Variable Naming Convention
It is recommended to use lowercase letters and underscores for variable names.
Usage of input function to get an integer from the user.
if something is true:
A conditional statement to execute code if a certain condition is met.
elif something is true: print(________)
An additional conditional statement that checks another condition if the previous is false.
else: print(________)
A fallback option that executes if none of the previous conditions are true.
** in Python
The operator used to calculate exponents.
*in Python
The operator used for multiplication.
/ in Python
The operator used for division.
% in Python
The operator that gives the remainder of division.
// in Python
The operator that rounds down the result of division.
-in Python
The operator used for subtraction.
+in Python
The operator used for addition.
A function used to display output or values in Python.
range(start, stop)
A built-in function that generates a sequence of numbers from start to stop, not including stop.
range(start, stop, step)
A built-in function that generates numbers from start to stop, increasing by step.
Counting with 'for' loops
'for' loops are commonly used for iterating over a range of numbers in Python.