American History test 4 (From Part 2 of Class)

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10% plan

Lincolns plan to restore the union, had it so that a state had to have 10% of its population must take an oath of allegiance, abolish slavery, and make a new state constitution in order to be readmitted.

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Wade/Davis plan

For a state to be readmitted, 50% had to have “ironclad [faith] oath” meaning they never supported the confederacy.

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Lincolns assassination

on April 14 1865 by John Wilkes Booth, vice president Andrew Johnson becomes president (he is southern).

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13th amendment

December 1865, it abolished slavery.

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State readmission

May 1865, proclamation of amnesty and reconstruction (10% plan from 1863) helped rebuild, early 1866 Johnson says all states are back, he was impeached so he would be quiet.

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Freedman’s Bureau

Helped displaced southerners and freed African Americans, schools, hospitals, and soup kitchens.

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14th amendment

Settled the citizenship question by making it equal protection under the law.

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Midterm elections of 1866

Radicals control congress, in 1867 reconstruction acts are made

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Military districts

Placed under military control and martial law, radicals punishing the south.

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15th amendment

Gave African American men right to vote, radical republicans came up with it.

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The end of reconstruction

1876, Rutherford Hayes (republican) and Samuel Tilden (democrat) run for office, votes contested in Louisiana, S.C., Oregon, and Florida (all democrat).

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Compromise of 1877

Democrats give all 4 contested states of Louisiana, S.C., Oregon, and Florida to republicans in exchange for removal of union troops saying laws should protect them.

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KKK (Ku Klux Klan)

Nathan B. Forrest (Tennessee), a terrorist organization that suppressing black rights and whites who support black rights.

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Political arm of saving the south, tried to regain political power by enforcing white supremacy.

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U.S. Grant

1868-1876, one of the worst presidents in U.S. history, corruption with “the boys” (patronage), solved problems with blunt force, caused a panic when he flooded the market with gold to get one guy.

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Manifest destiny

Slogan for westward expansion, God’s will to settle the west, justification.

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Oregon, Santa Fe, and California trails

“Safe” routes, dysentary, from 1845-1870 400,000 used these trails.

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Homestead act

Parcel of 160 acres of land given to person moving west, it had to be improved within 5 years, 270 million acres of land were given.

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Pacific railway act

Union pacific built west from Omaha, Nebraska, central pacific built east from Sacramento, California, railroads got the land 200 ft off of either side of the track, the two met at Promentary Point, Utah in 1869.

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Construction of forts

Had to do with the railroads I think, facilitate trade with natives and limit confrontation, trading for trappers and miners.

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Scandinavian: 18,000 in 1850 - 1.1 million in 1900

German: 580,000 in 1850 - 2.7 million in 1900

200,000 Chinese arrived in California between 1876-1890

Population statistics

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The gold rush, mining operations for copper and silver occurred as well

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“Cattle kingdom”, became a major food staple

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Number of these and inventors went up due to necessity, things like the typewriter, cash register, adding machine, vacuum, and toilet.

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Immigration, urbanization, industrialization

Number of factory workers increased from 2.5 million to 10 million, urban population doubled, people moved into cities and couldn’t get out.

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Henry Bessemer

Was a producer of steel, from 1860-1870, steel production went from 13,000 tons to 1,000,000 tons.

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Alexander Graham Bell

Made the telephone in 1876, bell labs turned into American telegram and telegraph (AT&T), 50,000 phones in 1880, 1.35 million in 1900.

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Thomas Edison

Created things like the phonograph, projector, battery, and lightbulb (1879), had financial backing from J.P. Morgan, made general electric.

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Nikola Tesla

Figured out AC/DC, got backing from Westinghouse who made air brakes for trains, got in a fight with Thomas Edison because Edison wanted to prove alternating current was dangerous (created electric chair and killed an elephant), Edison still lost.

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Andrew Carnegie

Was in the steel industry, used vertical integration to maximize profit and sell steel cheaper than competitors, Sold his company (U.S. steel) to J.P. Morgan for $50,000,000.

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Vertical integration

Used by Andrew Carnegie in the steel industry, in order to get rid of expenses from transportation and buying ore, simply own the mine and railroad, in other words, own all parts of production.

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John D. Rockefeller

used a technique called horizontal integration, controlled 95% of oil refineries, made standard oil, created trusts which were parent companies that owned smaller companies and also holding companies.

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Horizontal integration

Used by John D. Rockefeller, by monopolizing one key part of production, get big money.

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Social Darwinism

Gospel of wealth, survival of the fittest, if it works physically then it works economically and morally.

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Working class (1900s)

Avg factory wage is $.20 hr, 10 hrs per day, 6 days a week, 12/7, 1913 25,000 dead in factory accidents, increase in women and children workers.

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Molly mcguires

A group that would intimidate and sabotage factories due to all the bad things happening in them, violent protests hurt public support for them.

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National labor union

1866, Included women and blacks, panic of 1877 killed the union

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Knights of labor

Started 1886, 700,000 members, led by Uriah Stephens, believed in skilled labor, 1886 (same year as start) riot in Chicago Haymarket square kills the knights of labor.

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American federation of labor (AFL/CIO)

Believed in no factory workers and instead only skilled labor

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Chain stores

Able get things for cheaper since they buy in bulk, sears, Montgomery ward, A&P, Piggly wiggly, auto parts stores.

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Shift from rural to urban, from 1860 to 1920 rural population increased from 25 mil to 51 mil and urban from 6 mil to 54 mil, rural population increased due to westward expansion, urban grew due to immigrants and jobs (once in you couldn’t get out).

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Gilded age politics

1876-1896, dominated by political parties, Hayes (R) president in 1876, Garfield (R) president in 1880 due to a compromise with the half-breeds, stalwarts and half-breeds show up.

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Stalwarts and half-breeds

Stalwarts were pure republican, half-breeds were republicans that were influenced by other parties.

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Charles Guiteau

Wrote speeches for president Garfield and was an ambassador for France. wanted to get a government job since he helped Garfield (patronage), didn’t get the job so he killed Garfield leaving the VP (Chester Arthur) as president.

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Giving of government jobs to friends, family, and political allies, resulted in unqualified workers, easy blackmailing, and high corruption.

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Chester Arthur

Used to be a career yes man but once president he changed, knew he was going to be a one term president so he kind of did whatever he wanted, ended up being a very good president.

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Pendleton act

made in 1883 by Chester Arthur, protected government jobs from patronage, people voted for it because they were tired of being bossed around.

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Tariff commission

made in 1882 by Chester Arthur, protects tariff from being raised or lowered too much, tariff was a regional issue as the industrial north benefitted while the agricultural south was hurt (because we export agricultural stuff).

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Presidents (1884-1896)

Grover Cleveland (democrat) 1884

Benjamin Harrison 1888

Grover Cleveland again 1892

William McKinley 1896

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Hard Currency

Gold standard or gold and silver

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Interstate commerce act

States were doing weird money regulating things since railroads crossed over state lines, supreme court says states cant regulate interstate commerce under 14th amendment.

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ICC (interstate commerce commission)

Made by Grover Cleveland in response to the interstate commerce situation, didn’t really do much though.

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Farmers financial problems

Overproduction, lack of knowledge of market, transportation, insecurity in production.

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The grange

“Co-ops”, farmers unionize due to government favoring railroads and making the tariff high, results in the creation of the greenback political party.

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Greenback party

made as a result of farmers and the grange, they supported paper money, tried to put interstate commerce laws into place, stricken by the supreme court which killed the movement.

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Farmers’ alliance

Had regional chapters, 2.5 million members, resulted in the populist party being formed.

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Populist party

“People” party, appealed to the common man which led to massive growth, adopted the Omaha platform which believed in silver currency and a farming subtreasury.

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Depression of 1893

resulted in a 20% unemployment rate, farm prices collapsed, strikes happened.

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Strikes in the U.S.

An example was the pullman strike where the depression of 1893 caused the pullman company to reduce wages and lay off a lot of its workers, the remaining workers went on strike and even stopped any train that had a pullman car, the federal government stopped it by using the mail service as a way to make what they were doing illegal.

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Election of 1896

Rep. William McKinley

Dem. William Jennings Bryan (had populist ideas)

Populist decided no candidate and instead endorsed Bryan

People didn’t trust republicans (they didn’t care about the small guy) or democrats (due to the depression), Bryan had populist ideas though, this resulted in a split vote which let McKinley win, the populist party was gone after this.

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