Psychology - Thy Brother's Keeper

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7 Terms



Self-sacrifice for the benefit of others

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Lack of empathy; detached

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Empathetic Sympathy

watching someone suffer causes the viewer to suffer so by helping victims people also help themselves by ending the suffering

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Adherence to a social norm

the desire to “look good” in front of others by helping others. results from a desire to avoid censure and gain respect

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Diffusion of responsibility

occurs when people who need to make a decision wait for someone else to act instead. The more people involved, the more likely it is that each person will do nothing, believing someone else from the group will probably respond.

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5 Steps Leading up to Interference

  1. Potential emergency must be observed - you look around to see how others are reacting

  2. Situation is defined as an emergency - others around you recognize the emergency

  3. Witness must accept responsibility - for helping, you act on a situation even if it’s not considered an emergency

  4. Witness must know how to help - if they don’t know how to help they can’t help

  5. Help is offered

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Pluralistic Ignorance

everyone misleads everyone else into doing nothing, even when an emergency is occurring

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