Immune System Study Guide

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Identify the body’s defenses that make up both nonspecific (innate) and specific immunity based on a description of its function.

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Identify the body’s defenses that make up both nonspecific (innate) and specific immunity based on a description of its function.

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Non-specific (Innate)

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Physical Barriers

-First line of innate defense that keep harmful invaders out

-Hair, Skin, cilia, and mucus (ex.)

-Organs have cells or substances that serve as protective barriers

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-White blood cells that are made in the bone marrow

-Second line of innate defense

-Go to the lymph nodes, or to the thymus first, as part of their maturation process

-identifies what should be in your body and what shouldn’t by recognizing the antigens.

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Neutrophil (Leukocyte)

-Common white blood cell

-Very mobile, quick to attack invaders

-Roams through circulatory system, ready to enter tissues where and when it’s needed

-Lives for a few hours to a few days

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Eosinophil (Leukocyte)

-Engulfs pathogens or compounds that have been identified by other cells

- Lives about 8-12 days.

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Macrophage (Leukocyte)

-Long-lived, large cells

-Some stay in specific tissues

-Others migrate to a site where they’re needed

-Live months to years

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Natural Killer cell ( Leukocyte)

-attack cancer cells and cells infected by viruses

-kill their target cells by secreting chemicals that cause the target cell’s membrane to disintegrate.

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Complement (Protein/chemicals)

-Proteins in blood plasma

-bind to the membranes of foreign cells

-when bind the complement proteins become activated.

-make tiny holes in the foreign cell membrane, killing the cell.

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Interferon (Protein/chemicals)

-Proteins that “interfere” with the activity of viruses

-Cells infected with a virus secrete interferon, which then tells close cells to take defensive steps against a viral attack

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Histamine/Kinin (Protein/chemicals)

-Damaged cells release chemicals called histamines and kinins

-The inflammatory chemicals are the security system’s warning that there’s a break-in

-They start off a set of responses that result in inflammation

-Cause blood vessels near the injury to dilate

-cause capillary walls to leak allowing plasma and neutrophils can easily leave the blood and go to the space between cells.

-Responses are redness, heat, and swelling of inflammation.

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Pyrogens (Proteins/chemicals)

-When white blood cells meet certain pathogens, they secrete these chemicals (pyrogens).

-Pyrogens reset your body’s thermostat so that you heat up

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Specific (Acquired)

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-Cells that can recognize specific antigens

-After a lymphocyte met it’s antigen match, it complete it’s maturation.

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B-Cells (Lymphocyte)

-Releases antibodies

-Maturing while still in the bone

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Humoral Response (B-Cell)

-Released antibodies from B cells that circulate body fluids.

- Begins when B cells encounter their antigen match

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Plasma Cells (B-Cell)

-Clones from B cells

-Circulate within the blood

-Produces billions of copies of the same Antibodies

-By producing so many, the plasma cells create a swarm of protection against that particular antigen

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Memory Cells (B-Cell)

- B cell clones that don’t become plasma cells

- Kick the system back into high gear when they meet the same antigen again

-Ability to recognize and fend off invaders as a result of having met them before (immunity)

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Antibodies (B-Cell)

-Proteins that bind with antigens

-Each antibody has the same specific antigen match as the B cell that gave rise to it.

-When binding to the antigens, they deactivate them.

-Antibodies may bind that block the ability of a cell or virus that harm your body’s cells.

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-Similar to B cells, T cells become fully active only when they meet their antigen match.

-Can’t bind with antigens on their own.

-Need antigens presented to them by antigen-presenting cells, or APCs.

-Made in the bone and migrate to the thymus to begin their maturation.

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Cellular Response (T-Cell)

-T cells produce many other types of cells that take on different roles

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Antigen presenting cell (T-Cell)

-Engulf substances or organisms that have antigens and move bits of the antigen to their cell membranes

-Present the antigen bits, like memos with instructions, to the appropriate T cells.

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Helper T-Cell

-Unlike B cells, T cells make many different types of clones, with different roles.

-Send out the call to many other types of immune cells

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Killer T-Cells

-Attack cancerous cells and cells infected with a virus

-Some become memory T cells, conferring immunity

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Regulatory T-Cells

-Once antigen has been destroyed, regulatory T cells tell all the immune channels to wind down their operations

-If their problems or in the absence can lead to allergies and autoimmune conditions

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What is an antigen and what role do antigens play in your immune system?

-An antigen is a substance that immune system recognizes

-the role that it plays is if its self or non-self of the body

-initiates the matching for B-Cells and T-Cells

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How does a person get immunity from a disease?

-Being exposed to the disease, natural (active, acquired)

-Getting the vaccine, vaccine immunity (active, acquired)

- Getting antibodies (passive, acquired)

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Identify location and explain the role of the structures and cells of the lymphatic system in immune function.

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-Fluid that’s leaked from blood vessels (or the capillaries) , and returns that fluid to the blood.

-Lymph is also sent through organs that clean it of pathogens, unfamiliar chemicals, and damaged cells.

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Lymphatic Vessels

-Unlike the circulatory system, where blood flows both away from the heart and to the heart, the lymphatic system is always carried toward the heart.

-lymph moves through its vessels, being pushed through when you move your muscles and using valves to keep things from flowing backward.

-Once lymph has been cleaned, it continues on its way toward the heart, passing through larger and larger vessels

-It is reunited with the blood as lymph from each side of your body is emptied into the right and left subclavian veins. Lymph becomes plasma once again, and it goes with the rest of your blood into the heart.

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-A gland in the chest

-Supplies a set of hormones, thymosins, which cause special immune cells (T Cells) to mature

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-Located in the left and a bit posterior to your stomach.

-Biggest collection of lymphoid tissues

-Filters blood, such as filtering out pathogens, cancerous cells, and breaks down old red blood cells

-Contains specialized immune cells that destroy pathogens and caner cells, and send signals to kick off immune processes.

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Lymph Node

-Filter stations of the immune system

-Could be considered as lymph tissues as well

-Clean lymph of toxins, pathogens, and cancer cells before it is sent back into the blood stream.

-Inside are immune cells

-Lymph nodes cluster in places, such as armpits, groin, and throat.

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Explain how diseases and disorders of the immune system, including AIDS and autoimmunity, affect normal function.

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Type 1 Diabetes

-Immune system destroys the cells in the pancreas that produce insulin

-Have antigens on the beta cells that the immune system sees as a threat (for all autoimmune conditions)

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Rheumatoid Arthritis

-Immune system attack cells in the membrane that lines joints between bones

-Cause an inflammation response, making it painful

-Inflammation overtime affect other organs, like the eyes, lungs, and blood vessels

-Connective tissues and even the ends of bones are affected.

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-Body over-responds to a foreign (outside) substance that’s not actually harmful.

-Reactions to specific antigens or to antigens that the immune system have mistaken for something else

-Some involve only B cells and antibodies, other in T cells.

-Misdirected use of your T and B cells’ ability to remember antigens they’ve been exposed to

-Allergens are something that provokes an allergic response.

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-Destroys helper T cells

-Breaks the system that calls killer T cells and some B cells into action

-Huddles in lymph nodes and reproduces

-Invade other parts of the body giving AIDS


-Causes swollen lymph nodes

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Drug induced immune Deficiency

-Suppresses immune system to help a health condition

-Reduce activity of the immune system

-Without it immune system may attack the cells of transplanted organ

-Additionally to reduce inflammation and other painful conditions

-Patients are usually vulnerable to infectious disease, parasites, and cancers.

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Identify common diseases that we use vaccines to prevent

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-Childhood infection caused by virus

-Mostly affects and kills children under the age of 5

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-Affects saliva-producing glands (swells)

-Pain while chewing or swallowing

-Fever, Headache, Muscle Aches, Weakness and Fatigue, and loss of appetite

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-Has a distinctive red rash

-Growth delays, Cataracts, Deafness, Congenital heart defects, defects in other organs, and intellectual disabilities.

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-Jaw cramping, involuntary muscle tightening, muscle stiffness

-trouble swallowing

-jerking or staring (seizures)

-Headache, fever and sweating, and changes in blood pressure and fast heart rate.

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