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learning over time thru encoding, storage, retrieval of info
putting info into memory system
keeping encoded info over time
getting info out of memory storage
sensory memory
immediate, brief recording of sensory info in memory system
short-term memory
briefly activated memory of a few things, later stored or forgotten
long-term memory
permanent, limitless archive of memory
knowledge, skills, experience
working memory
short-term memory
conscious active processing of incoming sensory info, info retrieved from long-term mem
implicit memory
retention of learned skills without conscious awareness
nondeclarative memory
automatic processing
unconscious encoding of everyday info â space, time, frequency, familiar info
explicit memory
retention of facts, personal events you can consciously retrieve
declarative memory
effortful processing
encoding that uses attention and conscious effort
parallel processing
processing many aspects of stimulus or problem at same time
organizing items into familiar, manageable units
memory aids; uses vivid imagery, organizational devices
spacing effect
better long-term retention from distributed study
testing effect
better memory after retrieving instead of rereading info
retrieval practice effect / test-enhanced learning
semantic memory
explicit memory of facts and general knowledge
episodic memory
explicit memory of personally experienced events
neural center in limbic system
processes explicit, conscious memory for storage
memory consolidation
neural storage of long-term memory
flashbulb memory
clear memory of emotionally significant moment or event
long-term potential (LTP)
inc in nerve cellâs firing potential after brief, rapid stimulation
neural basis for learning and memory
retrieving info learned before
identifying items previously learned
multiple choice test
time saved relearning material
retrieval cue
any stimulus linked to specific memory
unconscious activation of particular associations in memory
encoding specificity principle
cues and contexts specific to memory will be most effective in helping us recall it
mood-congruent memory
tendency to remember experiences that match current mood
serial position effect
tendency to recall best the first and last items in a list
anterograde amnesia
canât form new memories
retrograde amnesia
canât remember info from past
memory trace
lasting physical change in brain as memory forms
proactive interference
older learning makes recall of new info difficult
retroactive interference
newer learning makes recall of old info hard
psychoanalytic theory
basic defense mechanism that stops anxious memories in consciousness
prev stored memories gets altered after retrieval
altered version gets restored
misinformation effect
memory corrupted by misleading info
source amnesia
faulty memory for how, when, where info was learned or imagined
deja vu
cues from present unconsciously triggers retrieval of earlier experience