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What are the inputs in the hydrological cycle
Temporally vaiable, variable amount
unavailable until melt
recharges surface soil and ground water in spring
Fog and dew
limited to humid environments (redwood, cloud forests, etc.)
What are the outputs of the hydrologic cycle
Transpiration- dominant process
goes through major flux based on LAI (between 2-18)
ground water seepage
What is the equation for evapotranspiration?
Evaporation (Surfaces- plants, soils) + Transpiration via stomata
What does hydraulic redistribution do?
Recharges surface and deeper soils nightly, delays seasonal soil drying (august and september)
How does interception vary by species?
Broadleaf species intercept more precip (48%) than conifers do (12%)
also varies where the precip lands- Broadleaf directs more water into stem via interception, while conifer has high canopy throughfall, and less funnel of water around stem
What effects the proportion of non-intercepted precip. that will be throughfall vs stemflow
Spacing and crown form
Equation of interception?
Intercepted= Total precip. - (throughfall + stemflow)
How does interception vary with rainfall event size?
In larger rainfall events, canopy storage maxes out and sends most precip crashing to forest floor
In smaller events, canopy may be able to intercept the entire event
What characteristics of forest ecosystems are likely to influence water and nutrient fluxes?
Forest age
nutrient identity (is the nutrient limiting or not?)
Why does nutrient conc. in streams vary with forest age?
reduced uptake due to tree age
differences in fine/coarse litter, decomposition
What happens to the hydrological cycle when the forest is disturbed?
Interception and uptake by plants decreases]
Soil water increases
Stream flow (peak flows, total annual flow) increases
What are the effects of forest disturbance on nutrient uptake over time?
Plant uptake decreases
Decomposition increases
nutrient availability increases (assart effect)
Combined effects of disturbance?
Nutrient concentration in stream flow increases
total nutrient losses in streamflow increases
What was the hubbard brook experimental watershed?
A test shed that was harvested and treated with herbicide to prevent regrowth
demonstrated role of vegetation in retraining soil nutrients
What are the effects of forest succession on nutrient regime?
forest regrows- nutrient uptake increases, decomp declines
Forest floor rebuilds- nutrient availability levels, leaching losses decline, streamflow losses decline