Observation and Discovery Male Genitalia
anorchidism : an / orchid / ism
lack of a testcile : no / testicle / condition
aspermia : a / sperm / ia
condition characterized by lack of sperm : no / sperm / condition
azoospermia : a / zoo / sperm / ia
condition characterized by lack of living sperm : no / living / sperm / condition
cryptochidism : crypt / orchid / ism
hidden testicle : hidden / testicle / condition
hydrocele : hydro / cele
fluid - filled mass in a testicle : water / hernia (mass or tumor
Note: though the suffix -cele generally refers to hernias, the original meaning of the term was “mass or tumor” because before medical imaging, that is what a hernia looked like. The word is one of a few examples where the original meaning of “mass or tumor” resurfaceshy
hypospadias : from Greek
birth defect in which the opening of the urethra is on the underside, instead of the end, of the penis : for “to tear underneath”
oligospermia : oligo / sperm / ia
condition characterized by low sperm production : low / sperm / condition
phimosis : from Greek
contraction of the foreskin of the penis, preventing it from being retracted : for “to muzzle”
prostatolith : prostato / lith
stone in the prostate : prostate / stone
prostatomegaly: prostato / megaly
abnormal enlargement of the prostate : prostate / enlargement
prostatorrhea : prostato / rrhea
discharge from the prostate : prostate / discharge
seminoma : semin / oma
type of testicular cancer arising from sperm - forming tissue : sperm / tumor
spermatocele : spermato / cele
hernia or distention of the epididymis caused by sperm cells : sperm / hernia
spermatolysis : spermato / lysis
destruction of sperm cells : sperm / loose
digital rectal exam (DRE) : digit / al - rect / al exam
examination of the prostate using a finger inserted into the rectum : finger / pertaining to - rectum / pertaining to exam
ejaculation : e / jacul / ation
emission of semen from the urethra : out / throw / process
gonads : gon / ads
pair of organs used for sexual reproduction; in males, they are testicles, and in females the are the ovaries
spermatogenesis : spermato / genesis
creation of sperm : sperm / creation
vas deferens : vas de / ferens
vessel carrying sperm from the testicles : vessel away / carrying
Note: the word vessel can cause confusion. Most people hear “vessel” and think “blood vessel”. “vessel” simply means “tube or duct”. So the vas deferens is a vessel; it just carries sperm instead of blood