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The term associated with Wisconsin Republican Senator Joseph McCarthy who led the search for communists in America during the early 1950s through his leadership in the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC). McCarthyism contributed to the Red Scare in the U.S and the false condemnation of "communists".
Dulles Brothers
John Foster Dulles: Secretary of State under Eisenhower
Allen Dulles: Director of the CIA under Eisenhower
Iranian Coup
The U.S coup that overthrew Mohammed Mossadegh in 1953 and reinstated the rule of the Shah and General Zahedi. The coup created resentments that led to Iran developing a deep hatred for the U.S.
Bay of Pigs
In April 1961, a group of Cuban exiles organized and supported by the CIA invaded the southern coast of Cuba in an effort to overthrow Castro. The invasion failed when Kennedy refused to send in more support, and when the CIA's prediction of civilian involvement failed. JFK took full responsibility for the BoP failure.
Cuban Missile Crisis
1962 crisis that arose between the United States and the Soviet Union over a Soviet attempt to deploy nuclear missiles in Cuba. U.S did not want missiles in Cuba and came to a compromise with the USSR to remove missiles from Cuba and Berlin.
South Africa
African nation ruled by a white minority over a black majority. Much oppression and racism were used by the whites to keep blacks under their control.
Atlantic Charter
1941-Pledge signed by US president FDR and British prime minister Winston Churchill:
1.No territorial gains were to be sought by the United States or the United Kingdom.
2.Territorial adjustments must be in accord with the wishes of the peoples concerned.
3. All people had a right to self-determination.
4.Trade barriers were to be lowered.
5. There was to be global economic co-operation and advancement of social welfare.
6. The participants would work for a world free of want and fear.
7. The participants would work for freedom of the seas.
8. There was to be disarmament of aggressor nations and a common disarmament after the war.
Space Race
A competition of space exploration between the United States and Soviet Union. Was also a competition of nuclear technology development.
Following WWII, Berlin was divided into East and West Berlin. The West was capitalist and controlled by the U.S and UK, while the east was communist controlled by the USSR. There was a wall erected between the districts by the USSR, as they did not want their people to leave.
A social policy or racial segregation involving political and economic and legal discrimination against non-whites.