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audience targeting
advertisers can advertise to a specific list of potential customers; similar to audience targeting on Facebook or X
a collection of pins (or posts) on Pinterest
a click is counted each time a searcher clicks on a social media ad
cost per engagement (CPE)
a charge accrued whenever a user clicks/taps on a Pinterest pin to expand it, or when a user pins that pin to his/her own board
a unique feature of TikTok, which allows creators to use the sound from other videos in a split-screen video that showcases new content alongside original content
dynamic retargeting ads
a type of retargeting ad whose content changes to match the content viewed on the website by each user
any word or phrase beginning with the “#” sign, designed to make certain groups of posts more easily searchable
image ad
the most basic ad format on Facebook, consisting of an image, caption, and a call-to-action button
influencer marketing
the use of influencers to post content promoting a product or service to the influencer’s following
Instant Experience
a function unique to Facebook that allows advertisers to take users to a landing page within the Facebook app
interest targeting
selecting internet users to show ads to based on what they’ve shown interest in (i.e. hobbies, events, etc.); it is used on the Google ad network and on most social media platforms
lookalike audience
an audience profile constructed from a company’s custom audience profile representing the type of person who typically purchases from that specific company
on Pinterest, a bookmark of sorts with shortcuts to desired content across the internet
Quick Promote
an advertising function on the social platform X (formerly Twitter) that only requires the advertiser to specify the post to be promoted and the budget
a 90-second or shorter video that plays in full screen on Instagram and Facebook
a feature that enables Instagram users to browse products and in some cases purchase those products directly on Instagram
Shop the Look pin
Pinterest pins that allow businesses to tag products visible in a pin so that users can investigate the product, investigate similar products, and purchase it directly on the Pinterest app; commonly referred to as Collections pins
a message sent on Snapchat that disappears from the recipient’s application after 10 seconds
Snap ad
a Snap ad is a full-screen vertical video that appears on Snapchat between Stories or between Snap within a Story; the video can last as long as 10 seconds
sponsored InMail
an ad type unique to LinkedIn that allows advertisers to send messages to targeted users’ InMail (LinkedIn’s native email)
a group of pictures and videos that users can view one after another in succession, thus providing an opportunity for longer-form content; used on Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook
stories ads
a full-screen ad on Instagram that features a call to action activated by swiping up from the bottom of the screen