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Serial positioning effect
tendency to recall best the last and first items in a list
Primacy effect
The first item from the list is initially distinguished from previous activities as important
Recency effect
Items at the end of the list are still in short term memory at the time of recall
Elaborative encoding
linking stimulus to other info at the time of encoding (mnemonics, method of loci, etc.)
Visual Imagery/Paivio
Dual encoding theory - 2 memory codes are better than 1, visual + semantic = enhanced
Mnemonic device
Techniques that help people remember info by associating it with a visual image, word, or sentence
Help people encode and recall info by providing a cognitive structure to retrieve it
Acronyms, keywords, songs/rhymes
A group of familiar stimuli stored as a single unit
Conceptual hierarchies
multilevel classification system based on common properties
tendency to remember related images in groups (automatic)
organized cluster of knowledge about event/object extracted from previous experience
People sometimes exhibit better recall of things that violate their schemas
Semantic network
consists of nodes representing concepts, joined together by pathways that link related concepts
length of pathway dependent upon degree of association (shorter = stronger)
spreading activation
strength of action decreases with longer travel