VBa KWT 16-20

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a sell-out

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a sell-out

​[S] a play, concert, etc. for which all the tickets have been sold

—> Sự cháy vé, hết vé

E.g: - There wasn’t a single ticket left for the concert so we couldn’t go (COMPLETE)

—> The concert was a complete sell-out, so we couldn’t go

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put/set your mind to sth

​to decide you want to achieve something and give this all your attention

—> Đặt hết tâm trí, dồn hết sức lực vào sth

—> ~ set your heart on sth: Rất muốn sth

E.g: - You have the ability to do really well in your career if you make an effort (MIND)

—> You could do really well in your career if you put your mind to it

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​[countable, uncountable] the act of joining two or more organizations or businesses into one

—> Sự hợp nhất, sát nhập

—> # integration: Sự hòa hợp, hội nhập

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live up to sb’s expectations

(Phr) Đạt tiêu chuẩn, kì vọng của sb

E.g: - I expected the film to be good, but it wasn’t at all (LIVE)
—> The film didn’t live up to my expectations at all

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there is no way (for sb) (to do sth)

= It is impossible (for sb) (to do sth)
—> Thật bất khả thi (cho sb) (làm gì)
E.g: - It was impossible for Roy to keep the appointment (WAY)

—> There was no way for Roy to keep the appointment

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S + wish (that)+ S + V2/ed

Câu ước: Diễn tả một điều ước, mong muốn trái ngược với những gì xảy ra ở hiện tại

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It’s time + S + Ved

Đã đến lúc S làm gì

—> = It’s time for sb to do sth, it’s about/high time + S + V2

E.g: - It’s time you started learning French (FOR)

—> It’s time for you to start taking French lessons

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It’s time for sb to do sth

Đã đến lúc S làm gì

—> = It’s time + S + Ved, it’s about/high time + S + V2

E.g: - It’s time you started learning French (FOR)

—> It’s time for you to start taking French lessons

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outlet (for sth)

[C] a way of expressing or making good use of strong feelings, ideas, or energy

—> Chỗ giải tỏa (cho sth) (Cảm xúc, sở thích, năng lượng,…)

E.g: - She needed to find an outlet for her many talents and interests.

- Sport became the perfect outlet for his aggression.

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vent sth (on sb)

​to express feelings, especially anger, strongly

—> Trút sth (lên sb) (cơn giận, sự thất vọng…)
E.g: - Digging in the garden gives me an outlet for my frustrations (VENT)

—> Digging in the garden allows me to vent my frustrations

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extensive coverage (of sth)

Sự đưa tin/bản tin rộng rãi (về sth) (collo) [U]

E.g: - The TV broadcast the whole of the tennis tournament (EXTENSIVE)
—> There was extensive coverage of the tennis tournament

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hurl sth + adv/prep

to throw something violently in a particular direction

—> Ném mạnh sth ntn /hɜːrl/

E.g: - He hurled a brick through the window.

- Someone had hurled a grenade into the building.

- They hurled spears, screaming hideously.

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pelt sb (with sth)

to attack somebody by throwing things at them

—> Ném vào sb (cái gì)
E.g: - The boys hurled lots of snowballs at their next-door neighbour (PELTED)

—> The boys pelted their next-door neighbour with snowballs

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next-door neighbour

Hàng xóm bên cạnh (nhà kế bên)

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​(a) not clear; without a clear outline or shape

—> Mờ, đục

E.g: - She suffered from dizziness and blurred vision.

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the onset (of sth)

​the beginning of something, especially something unpleasant

—> Sự khởi phát (của sth) (bệnh, điềm gở…) [Singular]

E.g: - The first sign of the disease is blurred vision (ONSET)

—> The onset of the disease is marked by blurred vision

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get the wrong end of the stick

to understand st in the wrong way.

--> hiểu sai (=misunderstand)

ex: - It's important to clarify any misunderstandings so that people don't ___ ___ _____ ___ _ _____.

- Her friend saw us arrive at the party together and ___ ___ _____ ___ _ _____.

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expose sb/sth (as sth)

to tell the true facts about a person or a situation, and show them/it to be dishonest, illegal, etc.

—> Vạch trần sb/sth (là sth)
E.g: - The newspaper was the first to reveal that the politician was a spy (EXPOSED)

—> The politician was exposed as a spy by the newspaper

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Điệp viên/gián điệp

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áo len chui đầu

<p>áo len chui đầu</p>
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sb grows out of sth

​(of a child) to become too big to fit into a piece of clothing

—> Sb mặc chật sth

E.g: - Sheila has become too big to wear this pullover (GROWN)

—> Sheila has grown out of this pullover

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the level of unemployment

—> Mức độ thất nghiệp (collo)
E.g: - There are a lot of people out of work in this town (LEVEL)

—> The level of unemployment is high in this town

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= unemployed, idle

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allow for sb/sth

​to consider or include somebody/something when calculating something

—> Kể đến, tính đến/bao gồm sb/sth

E.g: - We forgot to include the cost of accommodation in our holiday budget (ALLOW)
—> We didn’t allow for the cost of accommodation in our holiday budget

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in debt (to sb)

[uncountable] the situation of owing money, especially when you cannot pay

—> Mắc nợ (sb)

E.g: - They say he owes a lot of people money (DEBT)

—> He’s said to me in debt to a lot of people

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forthcoming (1)

(1) happening soon; next

-> Sắp đến, sắp xảy ra (=upcoming, coming)

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forthcoming (2)

(C1) [ after verb ] produced, supplied, or given

—> Có sẵn, được cung cấp

E.g: - Unless we can obtain more information, we can’t process your claim (FORTHCOMING)

—> Unless further information is forthcoming, we can’t process your claim

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showing a lack of care about danger and the possible results of your actions

—> Liều lĩnh, thiếu thận trọng

E.g: - The judge concluded that the accident was the result of reckless driving (CAUSE)

—> The judge concluded that reckless driving was the cause of the accident

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[uncountable] help and support from somebody to do something; financial support for something

—> Sự hỗ trợ (về tài chính)

E.g: - The redevelopment programme needs to be supported by the local council (BACKING)

—> The redevelopment programme needs the backing of the local council

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be in force

​(of a law, rule, etc.) being used

—> Được sử dụng, có hiệu lực (luật lệ)
E.g: - The company is introducing a new dress code on the first of the month (FORCE)
—> A new dress code will be in force on the first of the month

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make (adj) progress

(phr) Tiến bộ, phát triển (ntn)
E.g: - Marcus hasn’t got very far with his dissertation (MADE)

—> Marcus has made little progress with his dissertation

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dissertation (on sth)

a long piece of writing on a particular subject, especially one written for a university degree

—> Bài luận văn (về sth)

E.g: - He wrote his Master's dissertation on rats.

- Students can either do a dissertation or take part in a practical project.

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Sự biến mất

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explanation for sth

Lời giải thích cho sth

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[countable] (British English) a comfortable bus for carrying passengers over long distances

—> Xe giường nằm

E.g: - They went to Italy on a coach tour.

- Travel is by coach overnight to Berlin.

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it’s about/high time + S + V2

(informal) used to say that you think somebody should do something soon

—> Đã đến lúc S làm gì

—> = It’s time + S + Ved = It’s time for sb to do sth

E.g: - You really should learn to drive (HIGH)
—> It’s high time you learnt to drive

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would rather + Sb + V2

Muốn sb làm gì

E.g: - I’d prefer you to do the washing-ups now (RATHER)

—> I’d rather you did the washing-ups now

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stand in for sb

​to take somebody’s place

—> Thế chỗ sb (tạm thời)
E.g: - John took my place while I was at the dentist’s (STOOD)

—> John stood in for me while I was at the dentist’s

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be common knowledge

Được biết đến rộng rãi (collo)
E.g1: - Most people know that becoming an actor is difficult (COMMON)

—> It is common knowledge that becoming an actor is difficult

E.g2: - Their relationship is common knowledge.

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to the best of my knowledge

​as far as you know

—> Theo như tôi biết

E.g: - I don’t think Patrick has ever been camping (BEST)

—> To the best of my knowledge, Patrick has never been camping

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a hindrance (to sb/sth)

[usually singular] a person or thing that makes it more difficult for somebody to do something or for something to happen

—> Trở ngại, sự cản trở (cho sb/sth)

—> ~ barrier/obstacle

E.g: - In my opinion, computers are more trouble than they’re worth (HINDRANCE)

—> In my opinion, computers are more of a hindrance than a help

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more of sth

Thêm/nhiều sth (hơn… - than)

—> Trước các từ hạn định như a, the và tính từ sở hữu

E.g: - In my opinion, computers are more trouble than they’re worth (HINDRANCE)

—> In my opinion, computers are more of hindrance than a help

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​a statement or an idea that forms the basis for a reasonable line of argument

—> Tiền đề [C] /ˈpremɪs/ (formal)

E.g: - The argument rests on a false premise.

- His reasoning is based on the premise that all people are equally capable of good and evil.

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a market (for sth)

[singular] the number of people who want to buy something

—> Thị trường (cho sth)

E.g: - Customers will not want to buy this product (MARKET)
—> There will be no market for this product

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come into force

​(of a law, rule, etc.) to start being used

—> Bắt đầu được sử dụng/có hiệu lực (phr)
E.g: - The new rules about school uniforms will apply next year (FORCE)

—> The new rules about school uniforms will come into force next year

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​[uncountable] afeeling of great happiness because of a success /ˌdʒuːbɪˈleɪʃn/

—> Sự vui sướng, hân hoan

E.g: - So many people were really delighted when the government lost the election (JUBILATION)
—> There was much jubilation when the government lost the election

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rule (sth)

= govern (sth), reign (over sb/sth), control…

—> Cai trị, thống trị (sth)

E.g: - At that time, King John ruled England.

- The city was ruled by rich and powerful nobles.

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be on the throne

Lên ngôi, cai trị (phr)
E.g: - The Queen has ruled the country for almost fifty years (THRONE)

—> The Queen has been on the throne for almost fifty years

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bear a close resemblance to sb

= look like sb = be the exact double of sb = be a carbon copy of sb = be the spitting image of sb = resemble sb = take after sb…

—> Trông giống sb như đúc

E.g: - That woman looks a lot like my mother (BEARS)
—> That woman bears a close resemblance to my mother

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nothing more than sth/adj


—> Chỉ, không còn gì hơn ngoài sth/adj

E.g: - You certainly could never accuse Tom of being mean (NOTHING)

—> Tom is nothing more than (being) generous

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have nobody/no one but yourself to blame (that)

​used to say that you think something is somebody’s own fault

—> Chẳng có ai để đổ lỗi/là lỗi sai của sb (rằng)
E.g: - It’s entirely your own fault that you failed the exam (BLAME)

—> You have no one but yourself to blame that you failed the exam

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one after another/the other

Lần lượt, nối tiếp nhau, cái này rồi đến cái khác

—> = in a row

E.g: - Bobby ate two ice creams one after the other after lunch (ROW)

—> Bobby ate two ice creams in a row after lunch

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in a row

one after another without a break

—> Lần lượt, nối tiếp nhau, cái này rồi đến cái khác

—> = one after another/the other

E.g: - Bobby ate two ice creams one after the other after lunch (ROW)

—> Bobby ate two ice creams in a row after lunch

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with reluctance

= reluctantly: Miễn cưỡng (n phr)

E.g: - They finally agreed to our terms with a certain reluctance.

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It is with reluctance that

(Mệnh đề ntn đó) một cách miễn cưỡng (cách dịch thoiii)
E.g: - The workforce reluctantly agreed to a cut in pay (RELUCTANCE)

—> It was with reluctance that the workforce agreed to a cut in pay

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quarrel with sb/sth

to disagree with somebody/something

—> Không đồng tình, mâu thuẫn với sb/sth

—> = take issue with sb/sth, draw the line at (doing) sth, differ with sb/sth

E.g: - Freddy was always quarrelling with his sister (ROW)

—> Freddy was always having a row with his sister

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have a row with sb

​[countable] have a noisy argument between two or more people

—> Tranh cãi với sb

—> ~ Have a scene with sb, squabble with sb

E.g: - Freddy was always quarrelling with his sister (ROW)

—> Freddy was always having a row with his sister

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Much to sb’s surprise (that) + clause

​to a great degree

—> Ai đó đã rất ngạc nhiên (rằng)….

E.g: - My grandmother surprised us by announcing she was going on a world cruise (SURPRISE)
—> Much to our surprise our grandmother announced that she was going on a world cruise

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On no condition/account

-> Không vì bất cứ lý do gì/tuyệt đối không (= For no reasons)

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subsidise sb/sth

Trợ cấp cho sb/sth (=fund, finance) /ˈsʌbsɪdaɪz/

E.g: - The housing projects are subsidized by the government.

- She's not prepared to subsidize his gambling any longer.

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​[ C ] money given as part of the cost of something, to help or encourage it to happen (C1)
—> Vốn trợ cấp /ˈsʌbsədi/

E.g: - The company received a substantial government subsidy.

- The government is planning to abolish subsidies to farmers.

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it remains to be seen + whether/what/how

chưa chắc chắn, còn phải chờ xem sao

E.g: - No one is quite sure if the player will perform well at his new football club (SEEN)

—> It remains to be seen how well the player will perform at his new football club

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contender (for sth)

a person or team with a chance of winning a competition

—> Ứng cử viên (cho sth) (chiến thắng, vị trí, phần thưởng,..)
E.g: - Brian is a strong contender for the position

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on the shortlist (for sth)

a small number of candidates for a job, etc., who have been chosen from all the people who applied

—> Nằm trong danh sách rút gọn (cho sth)

E.g: - Brian is a strong contender for the position (LIST)

—> Brian is on the shortlist for the position

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​feeling or looking ashamed because you have done something bad or stupid

—> Thẹn thùng, bẽn lẽn, xấu hổ (=sheepish)

E.g: - She blushed with embarrassment at having made such a stupid mistake (SHAMEFACED)
—> She was shamefaced at having made such a stupid mistake

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offensive and unacceptable

—> Xúc phạm, không thể chấp nhận (a) /aʊtˈreɪdʒəs/

E.g: - She thought it absolutely outrageous that he should be promoted over her.

- How can politicians get away with making such outrageous statements?

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have an admiration (for sb/sth)

= admire sb/sth: Ngưỡng mộ sb/sth

E.g: - The writer I really admire won the Nobel Prize for Literature (ADMIRATION)

—> The writer for whom I have a great admiration won the Nobel Prize for Literature

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disclaim sth

= deny sth: Phủ định, chối bỏ sth

E.g: - She said she was in no way responsible for the damage (DISCLAIMED)
—> She disclaimed all responsibility for the damage

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Soluble (in sth)

​that can be dissolved in a liquid

-> Có thể hòa tan được (trong sth) /ˈsɑːljəbl/

E.g: - You can dissolve these tablets in water (SOLUBLE)

—> These tablets can be soluble in water

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have had enough (of sb/sth)

​used when something/somebody is annoying you and you no longer want to do, have or see it or them

—> Chịu đựng đủ (sb/sth) rồi

E.g: - I can’t bear your complaints any longer (ENOUGH)

—> I’ve had enough of your complaints

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put the blame on sb for sth

= blame sb/sth for sth

—> Đổ lỗi, đổ trách nhiệm cho sb về sth

E.g: - They accused John of breaking the window (PUT)

—> They put the blame on John for breaking the window

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cater for sb/sth

​to provide the things that a particular person or situation needs or wants

—> Cung cập, phục vụ sb/sth

E.g: - The BBC produces programmes to interest all sorts of people (CATERED)

—> All sorts of people are catered for with programmes by the BBC

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by means of sth

(formal) with the help/aid of something; by using sth

—> Với sự hỗ trợ/bằng cách dùng sth

E.g: - Only by using a helicopter could the rescuers reach the injured climbers (MEANS)

—> Only by means of a helicopter could the rescuers reach the injured climbers

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Only by (doing) sth + inverted clause

Chỉ bằng cách (làm) gì + …. (Mệnh đề tự hoàn thành)
E.g: - Only by practicing English every day can you speak it fluently.

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talk sb/oneself into/out of (doing) sth

​to persuade somebody/yourself to do/not to do something

—> Thuyết phục sb/bản thân (làm/không làm) gì

—> # talk over sth (with sb) = discuss

E.g: - I eventually persuaded her not to hand in her resignation (TALKED)

—> I eventually talked her out of handing in her resignation

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If it weren’t/hadn’t been for sth

—> Nếu không phải bởi vì sth (ĐK L2-3)

—> ~ but for
E.g: - It was only because he persisted that he managed to get the job (FOR)

—> If it hadn’t been for his persistence, he wouldn’t have got the job

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adjustment (to sth)

[ C or U ] a small change

—> Sự tinh chỉnh, điều chỉnh (sth)

E.g: - I've made a few adjustments to the design.

- Some adjustment of the lens may be necessary.

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make call after call (to sb/sth)

Gọi đi gọi lại (cho sb/sth)

E.g: - Although he repeatedly called the company, he couldn’t get through (AFTER)
—> Despite making call after call, he couldn’t get through

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only after N/clause, inverted clause

Chỉ sau cái gì/chỉ sau khi…., + …. (Mệnh đề tự hoàn thành)

E.g: - The editor delayed publishing the article until he had checked all the facts (DID)

—> Only after he had checked all the facts, did the editor publish the article

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So + adj + be + S + that + S + V

Đảo ngữ của SO với tính từ

E.g: - The staff hated Frank’s new policies intensely and so went on strike

—> So intense was the hatred for Frank’s new policies that the staff went on strike

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So + adv + inverted clause + (that)

Đảo ngữ của SO với động từ

E.g: - So carelessly did Jenny drive that there were many accidents last weekend. (Jenny lái ẩu đến mức mà cuối tuần qua đã có rất nhiều vụ tai nạn).

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go on strike

Start to strike:

-> Bắt đầu/tiến hành đình công, bãi công

E.g: - All 2,500 employees _______ ____ _________ in protest at the decision to close the factory.

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