2 elections in 1924, where over 61% voted for pro-republican parties in both the May and December elections, and after the May election extremist parties fell (Nazis and Communists - had about 3% of vote each)
Political developments showed that democratic parties were struggling to provide stable govs with widespread support
1928 election showed a further decline in extremist and anti-republican parties - share of votes went lower to 2.6%
However KPD managed to revive some of their seats
Parties with highest + lowest amount of support in elections between 1924-28
The SPD (Social Democrat Party) commanded the most amount of support in elections in this period
The NSDAP (Nazi) Party commanded the least amount of support in elections in this period
Coalition governments
There were 7 coalition governments between November 1923 and March 1930
Coalition governments throughout the short history of the Republic were unstable
Only 6 of the 23 cabinets between 1919 and 1932 had majority support in the Reichstag
Party’s loss of seats in 1924-28 in coalition governments
Loss of seats from 1924-28:
KPD - 8
USPD - 0
SPD - 0 - gained 53
Zentrum - 3
DVP - 0
DNVP - 22
Nazis - 20
Weaknesses of coalitions
Proportional representation - although gave each party a representation - made it hard / highly unable to gain a majority in Reichstag (Number of seats proportional to number of votes)
Governments were unable to plan for the long-term - such as the 1926 Luther cabinet collapsing from a dispute over flags
The Grand Coalition in 1928 led by Herman Muller offered more potential for a stable government
1928 Grand Coalition
Led by Hermann Muller of the SPD
One of the longest-lived coalition of Weimar - remained in office until March 1930
Despite established in June 1928, parties involved only started agreeing on policies in spring 1929
Due to ongoing disputes over budget and foreign policy, arguably the coalition only survived due to the strong relationship between Muller and Stresemann, the Foreign Minister
Summary of elections and coalition governments
Pro Weimar parties have had the most stable support during 1924-1928
Anti-Weimar parties only began to rise in the period of the ‘Golden Age’
Almost all parties suffered a loss in seats