WSC Science Out of CSIght, Out of Mind

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How Picard solves the murder

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How Picard solves the murder

With the usage of an alien device that can project a blurry hologram of the recent past.

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Star Trek: Picard murder mystery

The plot of the 1st season revolves around the murder of Dahj, a droid seeking help from Jean-Luc Picard. Picard becomes determined to investigate and find out who is responsible for Dahj's death.

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Angela Gallop's approach to solving crimes

She does this by using a unique approach to solve crimes by recreating the crime scenes and finding flaws or contradictions in the evidence.

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CSI Effect

The CSI effect refers to the influence of the TV series Crime Scene Investigation on jurors, who may have unrealistic expectations of forensic evidence and its role in solving crimes.

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How police breaks an alibi

By observing if the person tells the whole story initially and does not change their story when presented with additional information or evidence.

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Alternative Light Source (ALS)

A method of identifying physical evidence by using specialized lighting to reveal substances such as biological fluids, latent prints, and fibers that are not visible to the naked eye.

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The study of poisons and their effects on living systems. In forensic science, toxicology involves analyzing poisons present in a person's body to determine their role in a crime.

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The examination of evidence from firearms to determine if a specific gun was used in a crime. It involves analyzing the unique markings left on bullets and cartridge cases.

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Bloodstain Pattern Analysis (BPA)

It involves analyzing the behavior and physical characteristics of bloodstains at a crime scene to determine how they were created and gather information about the crime.

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Patent Prints

Visible prints, such as fingerprints, found at a crime scene.

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Latent Prints

Invisible prints, such as sweat, that require the use of alternative light sources to detect and capture.

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Forensic Entomology

The study of insects associated with crimes to determine the time and place of death. Insects found on or near a body can provide valuable information in forensic investigations.

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Forensic Ecology

It involves analyzing the relationship between the victim and the physical environment of the crime scene. It examines factors

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Forensic Genetics

The application of genetic analysis techniques to provide information about DNA found at a crime scene, identify individuals connected to the DNA, and establish their association with the crime.

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DNA Phenotyping

Forensic technique used to narrow down number suspects of a crime scene by predicting physical characteristics using DNA found at said crime scene.

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Geolocating with Stable Isotopes

A forensic technique that involves the comparison of isotopic ratios in a biological material and comparing it with the ratio of different areas to determine the origin of a body.

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Cloud Forensics

The practice of investigating and analyzing digital evidence from cloud-based systems to identify and attribute cybercrimes.

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Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

On the morning of April 14, 1865, John Wilkes Booth shot and killed the 16th President of the USA, and stabbed his guest Major Henry Rathbone in Ford’s Theatre.

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Forensic sketch

A visual representation of a person's appearance, created by a forensic artist based on eyewitness descriptions or other available information.

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Apple Daily

A newspaper that took the China-Taiwan-Hong Kong publishing market by storm, it combines politics and business, known for its colorful tabloids and extensive graphics.

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Next Media Animation

A YouTube channel founded in 2009 that has over 1000 videos focusing on western news and scandals, presented in 3D animation and CGI. Infamous for posting its controversial Tiger Wood’s car crash video.

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Tiger Woods car crash video

A controversial video by Next Media Animations that showcases a distorted and fabricated version of the Tiger Woods car crash accident. It falsely blames Tiger Wood’s ex-wife, Elin Nordegren for causing the crash by tapping with a golf club on the back of his car, leading to the crash.

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Jimmy Lai

A Chinese media elite known for founding Apple Daily and Next Media Animation.

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Tiger Woods

Famous American golf player and the richest athlete worth $1 billion. He was recently in a car accident that was inaccurately recreated in a controversial video by Next Media Animation.

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Suspicious or questionable.

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