Chapter 23 Vocabulary et Terms

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The Zimmerman Telegram

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28 Terms


The Zimmerman Telegram

starting war between Mexico and Us

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The Lusitania

British passenger ship sunk by German U

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Committee on Public Information

worked to persuade Americans that the war represented a Battle for democracy and freedom

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Selective Service Act

all 18 yrs older male had to sign up in case of draft

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Liberty Bonds

sold to raise money for the war. It raised two-thirds of the war funds

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Triple Alliance

Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy

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Triple Entente

Great Britain, France, and Russia. An Entente is an understanding between nations. Was one of the two major Alliances that had been established by 1914.

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Battle of the Marne

Germany launched an offensive through Belgium; Germany hoped to defeat France quickly and destroy the French armies. This would allow Germany to move troops east against Russia. The Belgians, however, held out heroically for nearly 3 weeks against the German army. This delay gave the French and British time to mobilize their forces. After defeating the Belgians, the Germans, March 9 of France in advance to within 15 miles of Paris. The German and French finally managed to stop the German advance at the Martin river just a few miles east of the city. *fought between September 5 and 12, 1914. *Saved Paris from the Germans and boosted French morale.

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Battle of Verdun

the German offensive attempting to break the deadlock of trench warfare in 1916 by launching a major offense. This German offensive took place in Northeastern France and began in February and continued on and off until December. The Germans made small gains, but were lost after the French counterattacked. One of the longest and bloodiest battles of the war. More than 750,000 French and German soldiers lost their lives.

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Battle of the Somme

the British and French offensive in northern France in July. The number of casualties was extremely high, and the allies only gained about 7 miles in the offensive.

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Treaty of Versailles

on June 28, 1919 after months of difficult negotiations the allies in Germany, signed a treaty at the place of Versallies outside Paris

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an agreement to end fighting

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defense agreement among nations.

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the desire of nations to expand their empires

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a feeling of intense loyalty to one country or group

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(one nation increasing its military strength.) i.e* Germany, France, and Russia developed a huge army in the early 1900s as European nations competed for colonies and strengthened their armies and navies to protect their interests.

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a national policy of avoiding involvement in world affairs

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a long narrow cut in the ground

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German Submarines

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Teams of navy destroyer escort in groups of merchant ships across the Atlantic

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the gathering of resources and the preparation for war

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information designed to influence opinion

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people who beloved industries should be publicly owned

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people who opposed to the use of violence

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Central Powers :

Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the ottoman empire

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Allied Powers :

Great Britain, France, and Russia. Japan also joined in late August of 1914. Italy joined in 1915. (Later on; the US.)

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14 Points

Wilson outlined his peace, plan and proposal known as the 14 points several of the points concerned adjustment of boundaries in Europe in the creation of new nations

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League of Nations

Wilson’s final point, the one he considered most important, concerned the creation of a general association of nations, Lord, meet regularly to resolve international dispute

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