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The capacity of a person, team, or organization to influence others.
Dependence Model of Power
A model that illustrates how power involves unequal dependence.
Legitimate Power
Agreement that people in specific roles can request behaviours from others.
Zone of Indifference
Domain of behaviours that power holder can ask of others.
Norm of Reciprocity
Obligation to reciprocate favours.
Information Control
The right to control information that others value.
Expert Power
Capacity to influence others by possessing knowledge or skills that they value.
Reward Power
Control rewards valued by others, remove negative sanctions.
Coercive Power
Ability to apply punishment.
Referent Power
Capacity to influence others through identification with and respect for the power holder.
Power Contingency: Nonsubstitutability
Power increases with nonsubstitutability.
Interdependence with power holder.
Others aware you control a valued resource.
Freedom to exercise judgment.
Type A Power
Feeling empowered; perceived power over themselves and freedom from others' influence.
Type B Power
Power over others; produces sense of duty/responsibility toward others.
Social Networks
Connecting through forms of interdependence.
Social Capital
Knowledge, opportunities, and other resources shared in a social network.
Strong Ties
Close-knit relationships that offer resources more quickly/plentifully, but less unique.
Weak Ties
Acquaintances that offer unique resources, but more slowly.
Social Network Centrality
Person's importance in a network.
Influencing Others
Any behaviour that attempts to alter another person's attitudes or behaviour.
Silent Authority
Behaviour influenced by power holder's request or mere presence.
Vocal authority: Reminding, checking, bullying.
Information Control (Influence)
Manipulating others' access to information to change others' attitudes/behaviour.
Coalition Formation
Pooling members' resources and power to influence others.
Upward Appeal
Relying symbolically or in reality on higher authority support.
Using facts, logical arguments, emotional appeals.
Impression Management
Shaping perceptions/attitudes that others have of us.
Exchange of resources for desired behaviour.
Organizational Politics
Using influence tactics for personal gain at perceived expense of others and organization.