bone to bone
bone to cartilage
bone to teeth
Which of the three structural categories of joints is being described here?
no joint cavity
occurs where bones are held together by dense regular (fibrous) CT
connects ends of bones and bone parts
Which of the three structural categories of joints is being described here?
no joint cavity
occurs where bones are joined by cartilage
pad of cartilage wedged between the ends of bones
Which of the three structural categories of joints is being described here?
contains a fluid-filled joint cavity that separates the articulating surfaces of bones
articulation surfaces enclosed in CT capsule
bones attached to each other by various ligaments
lined by synovial membrane
contains synovial fluid
Which of the three functional categories of joints is being described here?
immobile joint
includes two types of fibrous joints and one type of cartilaginous joint
Which of the three functional categories of joints is being described here?
slightly mobile joint
includes one type of fibrous joint and one type of cartilaginous joint
Which of the three functional categories of joints is being described here?
freely mobile joint
includes all joints
The following examples fall under which structural category of joints?
articulations of teeth in sockets
sutures between skull bones
articulations between the radius and ulna
articulations between the tibia and fibula
Which structural category of joints do the following fall under?
glenohumeral (shoulder joint)
temporomandibular joint
elbow joint
knee joint
coxal (hip) joint
articular capsule
joint cavity
synovial fluid
articular cartilage
blood vessels
lubricates articular cartilage on the surface of articulating bones
nourishes the articular cartilage’s chondrocytes
acts as a shock absorber, distributing stresses and force evenly across the articular surfaces when joint pressure suddenly increases