(Industrial Revolution) A series of innovations, improvements, and techniques used to improve the output of agricultural surpluses ○ New tools ○ Advances in livestock breeding ○ New fertilizers *Shift from subsistence to surplus 3rd Agriculture Revolution (Green Revolution) ● Began in (1930s) U.S. Midwest, then applied to less wealthy countries *Tech-manipulated seed varieties to produce higher yields ● Invention of high-yield grains, especially rice, with goal of reducing hunger ○ Increased production of rice ○ New varieties of wheat and corn ○ Reduced famines due to crop failure ○ Most famines today due to political problems ○ Impact (in terms of hunger) greatest where rice is produced Opposition to Green Revolution ● Vulnerability to climate changes/pests ● Soil erosion from increased pesticides ● Water shortages ● Micronutrient deficiencies ● Dependency on chemicals for production ● Loss of control over seeds ● Genetically modified (GM) crops What Imprint Does Agriculture Make on the Cultural Landscape