● Commercial agriculture
________: Large- scale farming and ranching operations that employ vast land bases, large mechanized equipment, factory- type labor forces, and the latest technology ○ Roots in colonial economic system ○ Today, global production made possible by advances in transportation and food storage (esp.
● 2nd Agricultural Revolution
(Industrial Revolution) A series of innovations, improvements, and techniques used to improve the output of agricultural surpluses ○ New tools ○ Advances in livestock breeding ○ New fertilizers *Shift from subsistence to surplus 3rd Agriculture Revolution (Green Revolution) ● Began in (1930s) U.S. Midwest, then applied to less wealthy countries *Tech-manipulated seed varieties to produce higher yields ● Invention of high-yield grains, especially rice, with goal of reducing hunger ○ Increased production of rice ○ New varieties of wheat and corn ○ Reduced famines due to crop failure ○ Most famines today due to political problems ○ Impact (in terms of hunger) greatest where rice is produced Opposition to Green Revolution ● Vulnerability to climate changes/pests ● Soil erosion from increased pesticides ● Water shortages ● Micronutrient deficiencies ● Dependency on chemicals for production ● Loss of control over seeds ● Genetically modified (GM) crops What Imprint Does Agriculture Make on the Cultural Landscape
● Commercial agriculture
Large-scale farming and ranching operations that employ vast land bases, large mechanized equipment, factory-type labor forces, and the latest technology ○ Roots in colonial economic system ○ Today, global production made possible by advances in transportation and food storage (esp
Primary economic activities
Products closest to the ground
Secondary economic activities
Manufacturing of primary products into new products
Tertiary economic activities
Services, connecting producers to consumers to facilitate trade
Quaternary economic activities
Information or the exchange of goods-knowledge based research services
Subsistence Agriculture
Strict meaning: Farmers produce enough for themselves and their families and do not enter the cash economy at all Today: usually sell small amounts in the market
Shifting Cultivation
Shifting fields to find better land
a flooded field for growing rice
a patch of land cleared for planting through slashing and burning
2nd Agricultural Revolution
A series of innovations, improvements, and techniques used to improve the output of agricultural surpluses
3rd Agriculture Revolution (Green Revolution)
Invention of high-yield grains, especially rice, with goal of reducing hunger
Cadastral systems
land survey
Township and Range System or “rectangular survey system”
Based on a grid system that creates 1-square-mile sections (Homestead act)
Metes and Bounds Survey
Uses natural features to demarcate irregular parcels of land
Long-lot Survey System
Divides land into narrow parcels stretching back from rivers, roads, or canals
Commercial agriculture
Large-scale farming and ranching operations that employ vast land bases, large mechanized equipment, factory-type labor forces, and the latest technology
Businesses that province vast array of goods and services to support the agricultural industry
Urban Sprawl
cities expanding
Von Thünen Model
Variation in products by distance from the town, with livestock raising farthest away
Friction of distance
The farther away something is, the more expensive it is