Geometric Period
A period in Greek art characterized by the use of geometric shapes to create human and animal figures as well as abstract décor.
Horror vacui
A style of painting where the entire surface of a space is filled with patterns and figures.
A two-handled jar with a narrow neck used in ancient times to store or carry wine or oils.
An ancient Greek vessel for mixing water and wine.
Proto-Geometric period
The period from 1050 to 900 BCE when painting on ceramics began to re-emerge in Greece, featuring abstract geometric shapes.
The city that became the center for pottery production during the Geometric period.
Dipylon Gate
One of the west gates of Athens where a potter's quarter was located during the Geometric period.
An offering deposited within a religious site without the purpose of display or retrieval.
Lost-wax method
A technique used to produce bronze figures during the Geometric period, where a wax model is covered in clay, heated, and then molten bronze is poured in, melting the wax and taking its shape.
Seated Male Figure
A bronze sculpture from the Geometric period depicting a man drinking from a cup, characterized by triangular torso, cylindrical arms, and slightly naturalistic legs.
Man and Centaur
A bronze sculpture from the Geometric period depicting a man and a centaur, featuring elongated arms and relatively naturalistic rendering of human legs.
Geometric Horse statuette
A bronze statue from the Geometric period depicting a horse, characterized by rectangular body and legs, and an arched neck.