Made by Mihir Garg Notes from Ayaan
Atmosphere (layer names only)
Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, and Exosphere
4 main spherical systems
Atmosphere (air), hydrosphere (water), geosphere (rock/soil), and biosphere (living things)
three factors sustain earth’s life
One-way flow of high-quality energy from the sun
Cycling of nutrients (atoms, ions, & molecules) through the biosphere
Gravity allows movement/cycling of chemicals, water, soil, and organisms through the atmosphere.
High Quality Energy
Upholds principle of solar energy (sustainability)
High-quality energy can’t be replaced
Greenhouse effect
Greenhouse effect
Solar energy interacts with carbon dioxide (and other gasses) in the troposphere to warm the earth. (Necessary or Earth too cold)
Complex mixture of eroded rock, nutrients, decaying organic matter, water, air, and living organisms (mostly decomposers)
Soil is formed by _________ when bedrock is broken down
Why is soil important?
Provides nutrients for plant growth & purifies/stores water
Horizontal layers in soil (that have developed over a long time)
Mature soils
contain ¾ possible horizens
4 Horizons (top to bottom order)
O - leaf filter, A - topsoil, B - subsoil, and C - parent material
O and A Horizons
Contain bacteria, fungi, earthworks, and small insects
Organic matter formed by decomposition of plant and animal matter
Soil Moisture
carries nutrients up roots and into plants (chemical cycling principle of sustaibabilty)
B and C Horizons
Contains most of the inorganic mater like sand, silt, clay, and gravel
is renewed very slowly and can be easily depleted
science to study earth’s processes (surface and interior)
Earth’s Interior (Just the names of the 3 zones)
Core, Mangle, & Crust
Innermost zone, hot sold inner, liquid outer
Surrounds core, soft near core, outermost is solid rock
Outermost and thinnest zone, solid rock
Zone above mantle
Important as tectonic plates slide on this
Convection cells/currents
Heat from core/mantle move large volumes of rock in a loop
Above asthenosphere
Mostly made of crust and some mantle
Minerals are found here
naturally occurring chemical / inorganic compound
Mineral Resource
One of more minerals that can be extracted & used as raw materials
solid combination of minerals
3 Rock Types (Just names, no definitions)
Sedimentary, Igneous, and Metamorphic
Sedimentary rock
made of layers of dead plants/animals and weathered rock formed over extreme pressure (think sandstone)
Igneous rock
formed below earth’s surface under heat / pressure. (think granite)
Metamorphic rock
forms when existing rock has high temperature, pressure, and/or chemicals (think slate/marble)
Rock cycle
Physical and chemical process that changes type of a rock (millions of years)
Rock containing large concentrations of a mineral (to be profitable in mining)
High-grade ore
large concentration of desired material
Low-grade ore
Low concentration of a desired material
Techtronic plates
Huge rigid planes that make up the lithosphere and move slowly on the asthenosphere.
Geological activity
usually takes place at bounties between tectonic plates
occur where magma rises through the lithosphere
convergent boundaries, subduction zones, divergent boundaries, and hotspots
formed when rock is placed under pressure by tectonic movement, causing breaks.
movement of a fault from energy accumulated over time
convergent boundaries, subduction zones, divergent boundaries, and transform boundaries
large waves generated by rising/dropping of the ocean floor
inner layer of atmosphere which contains air we breathe (7-17km, 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, water vapor/carbon dioxide/methane 1%)
Surrounds troposphere and constrains ozone gas (17-50km, on zone blocks 95% of sun’s UV radiation)
Contains all water on earth 71% of earth (like water vapor, ice, and oceans)
Geosphere (Layer Names)
Hot core, thick mantle, and thin outer crust
Upper portion contains resources (nutrients, ores, chemicals etc.)
Parts of atmosphere, hydrosphere, & geosphere where life is found
physical conditions in the lower atmosphere (like temperature, precipitation, humidity, wind speed, and cloud cover)
sum of weather conditions in an area (last 3 decades to thousands of years)
Ocean Currents
mass movements of surface water by wind blowing over the ocean (connected to climate)
Three major factors affect circulation of air
Uneven hearing of the earth’s surface by sun
Rotation of earth on it’s axis
Properties of air, water, and land
Northeast/Southeast trade winds
Moves from 30* to Equator
Westerlies winds
Moves from 30* to 60*
Polar Easterlies Winds
Moves from 60* to 90*
Rain shadow effect
Moist air hits a mountain range, the “shadow” of the mountain receives none of that moisture.
Atmospheric Convection Currents/Cells
Warm air near equator rises, cools in upper atmosphere moving towards poles
Cool air sinks, moves to fill hot air and picks up heat and rises
Hadley Cells
Equator to 30*
Ferrel Cells
30* to 60*
Polar Cells
60* to 90*
Coriolis Effect + Convection Cells = ?
= Trade Winds
Jet Streams
Strong winds in upper atmosphere
El Nino (ENSO)
Trade winds are less windy (Warmer South America Ocean Temps + Rainstorms in North/South America)
La Nina
Trade winds are stronger (Warmer water near Asia + Rainstorms in western pacific + droughts in Americas)
How do ocean currents affect climate?
Distributes heat from place to place and distributes nutrients
How does global air circulation affect climate? (4 steps)
Unequal heating causes temperature differences between the equator and poles
That unequal heating causes air convection currents
Earth’s spin (Coriolis effect) + convection cells creates wind patterns
These factors create various weather patterns
What are some greenhouse gasses?
Carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and water vapor
How does the greenhouse effect impact the climate?
More greenhouse gasses = more heat
More heat = changes in air circulation patterns (convection cells)
Changes in air circulation = more severe weather events
How do geographical features of an area affect climate?
Rain shadow effect (blocks moisture by mountains)
Large bodies of water creates rain & milder climates
Cities can heat up microclimates (concrete absorbs heat)
Surface Water
Water that does not seep into the ground (like a stream, river, lake, sea, or ocean)
Surface water that flows into freshwater life zones (like lakes, ponds, & wetlands)
Water shed / drainage basin
Area where water & sediment drains (super rich in nutrients)
Large natural body of standing water
Source Zone
upstream part of a river (shallow, cold, clear water from mountains/ice)
Transition Zone
Between source and flood zones (river is wider, warmer, and slower)
Floodplain Zone
Last part of a river (wide & slow + delta)
Area where river spreads out (floodplane zone) reaching a lake or sea depositing silt
Salt Marsh
Marshy area near a coast that’s flooded and drained with sea water
Hosts an ecosystem adapted to salty conditions
A river or stream flowing into a larger river or lake.
Inland Wetlands
Land areas covered with water providing rich biodiversity (like swamps excluding lakes)
Tectonic plates
Large pieces of the lithosphere that cover the planet (causes earthquakes, volcanic activity, & mountain ranges)
Resources that can be extracted to be used for profit.
Atmospheric pressure
The force per unit of area of a column of air
Decreases with altitude
Oxygen + UV Light = Ozone (O3) (Blocks 95% of sun’s UV radiation)
What if soil is too sandy?
Water passes through + nutrient loss
What if soil has too much clay?
Water can’t pass through + too hard
What if soil is too silty?
Compact’s too easily + crumbly surface
What’s the best soil texture?
Loam (40% sand, 40% silt, 20% clay)
Measure of the “breathing room” in soil (how much space between soil particles)
Measure of how fast water flows through soil
Measurement of soil’s acidity (6 - 7.5 is best)