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Albert Bandura
A psychologist known for developing the Social Learning Theory, emphasizing the role of observational learning.
Social Learning Theory
A theory that proposes that individuals learn behaviors through observation and imitation of others.
Bobo Doll Experiment
A study conducted by Bandura that demonstrated children learn aggressive behavior through observation of adult models.
Observational Learning
Learning that occurs through observing the behaviors of others.
Live Model
Observing an actual individual perform a behavior.
Symbolic Model
Learning behaviors through media such as books or television.
Verbal Instructional Model
Learning through detailed descriptions of behaviors.
The belief in one’s capabilities to succeed in accomplishing tasks.
Attentional Processes
Factors that affect an individual's ability to pay attention to a model in order to learn.
The ability to store and recall information after observation for later use.
The desire to imitate a behavior based on observed outcomes such as rewards or punishments.
The process of performing the observed behavior after learning.
Mastery Experiences
Successful experiences that boost self-efficacy.
Intrinsic Reinforcement
Internal satisfaction or pride influencing behavior beyond external rewards.
Aggressive Model Condition
A condition in the Bobo Doll Experiment where children observed adults behaving aggressively towards the doll.
Non-Aggressive Model Condition
A condition in the Bobo Doll Experiment where children observed adults behaving calmly towards the doll.
Control Group
A group in the Bobo Doll Experiment that had no model present.
Cognitive Mechanisms
Mental processes involved in learning, such as attention and memory, highlighted in Bandura's theory.
Reciprocal Determinism
The idea that behavior, environment, and personal factors influence each other in shaping behavior.
Environmental Reinforcement
External factors that can influence the learning of behaviors.
Criticisms of Social Learning Theory
Concerns about SLT's oversimplification of learning by neglecting cognitive processes and biological influences.