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Apperceptive agnosia
perceive an objects features by not the object in its entirety
Viewpoint invariance
Humans can tell what an object is despite its perspective
Bottom-up processing
processes that are directly shapes by the stimulus
Top-down processing
processes shaped by knowledge
Visual search tasks
tasks in which participants examine a display and judge whether a particular target is present or not
Object recognition begins with what?
Feature detection
a device used to present stimuli for precise amounts of time
Word-superiority effect
it’s easier to perceive and recognize letters-in-context than if they appear in isolation
how closely a letter sequence conforms to the typical patterns of spelling in the language
Activation level
how energized the detector is at any given moment
Each detector in the network has an ___ ___
activation level
Detectors fire when their ____ ____ is reached
response threshold
what does starting activation depend on?
recency and frequency
What is knowledge NOT?
locally represented
What do feature nets contain?
distributed knowledge
McCledlland and Rumelhart model
emphasizes the role of inhibitory connections among detectors
What is the difference between the feature net and the McClelland and Rumelhart model?
the McClelland and Rumelhart model includes excitatory connections and inhibitory connections
Recognition by components (RBC) model
applies the feature net model to the recognition of 3D models. The recognition by components model includes an intermediate level of detectors that is sensitive to geons
what is the hierarchy of detectors from bottoms to top?
feature detectors
geon detectors
geon assemblies
object model
object model
a representation of the complete, recognized object
viewpoint-dependent cells
only fired when an object is viewed from a specific viewpoint
viewpoint-independent cells
fires from any viewpoint of the object
what viewpoint cells trigger what?
viewpoint-dependent cells may trigger viewpoint-independent cells
an inability to recognize individual faces deposit otherwise normal vision
faces show a powerful ____ ____
inversion effect
what is the fusiform face area (FFA) responsive to?
holistic perception
perception of the overall configuration rather than an assemblage of parts
what are limits of feature nets?
some target objects depend on configurations, not individual features
knowledge that is external to object recognition nevertheless influences recognition