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is the systematic pursuit of reliable knowledge about natural phenomena and the social world.
Systematic pursuit
follows an order of knowing using scientific method.
claims are true because it is justified by a reliable method.
Natural and social
it deals with the natural phenomena that affects the social world.
is the art of knowing
is the art of knowing how
social life
The fruits of scientific research affect _______.
collective pursuit
The process of conducting scientific research is a __________.
Was science ONLY the source of truth?
Tradition or tenacity
relies upon "time-tested" results.
Tradition or tenacity
Knowledge is gained through practical life experience.
It assumes that "which bears fruit" and "work" is true.
The establishment "truth" only applies in a particular phenomenon.
derives truth simply through the process of introspection and immediate awareness.
Knowledge from intuition can come into the mind as known in itself.
Draws from past experience and external cues to draw hasty conclusions - PRINCIPLES
Regarded by philosophers as the beginning of knowledge, but the claim of truth lacks proof.
assumes that a person who is believed to be an expert of a field or discipline holds the truth.
In early times, observations of wise men and women establish truth.
During COVID-19, authorities were infectious disease experts, epidemiologists, and health officials.
truth based on reason and common sense.
It assumes that what is logical and consistent is true.
However, what at first may seem "logical" may turn out to be merely social/cultural convention.
make uses of the reason and logic of rationalism and adds evidence that can be systematically verified through observation.
This approach assumes that "which I can prove to my senses is true"
Empiricism issues:
Phenomena are not easily observable due to the limit of our senses.
Observable data takes on meaning by the way it is organized and interpreted, and this may introduce bias.
This way of knowing combines the use of reason, logic, and empirical evidence in a systematic manner.
Claim of truth is derived from a scientific method.
Static and dynamic
Views of science
Science as body of facts
Add systemized information
Views science as an activity
Emphasizes problem-solving and interconnectedness of concepts to explain and predict.
Francis Bacon
Father of Scientific method
Scientific Method
Understanding of how the universe works was the first step towards mastering it and exploiting it to a man's knowledge.
Observe a phenomenon
Ask questions about the observations and the gather information
Form a hypothesis - a tentative description what's been observed and make predictions
Test hypothesis
Analyze data and draw conclusion
Reproduce experiment
Steps of scientific phenomenon
Interpreting data
Processes of science
using various senses in applying scientific method
making educated assumptions
making sense put of an observation by explaining, classifying, or drawing a pattern; and
Interpreting data
providing meanings based on experiment of field of study.
Characteristics of science
evidence is based on experience and observed reality
science involves processes, procedures, and activities
science involves proposing hypothesis
works towards a solution
scientific work is published; tends towards a closure but is open-ended.
science feed on science
Objectivity of results
Science requires these procedure to ensure
research method produces stable and consistent results.
having produced one result from an experiment, you can try the same experiment, with the same setup, and produce that exact same results.
ability to run and experiment to test a hypothesis
Objectivity of results
free from biases
Scientific knowledge is founded on evidence
Scientific knowledge can explain observations and predict events
Scientific process requires peer scrutiny and acceptance by the scientific community
Focuses on the natural world
Aims to explain the natural world
Uses testable ideas
Relies on evidence
Involves the scientific community
Leads to on going research
Benefits from the scientific behavior
Scientific knowledge is founded on evidence
Scientific knowledge can explain observations and predict events
Scientific process requires peer scrutiny and acceptance by the scientific community
Focuses on the natural world
Aims to explain the natural world
Uses testable ideas
Relies on evidence
Involves the scientific community
Leads to on going research
Benefits from the scientific behavior
Pre-colonial period
Filipinos gage deep knowledge of science and engineering
Pre-colonial period
Know how to make boats, use wind currents in travellings, and stars to guide the journey
Rich indigenous concepts in astronomy (constellations and the moon were used as basis for many things)
Developed knowledge in agriculture and medicinal botany (Ifugao Rice Terraces)
Spanish Regime
Start of Modern S&T:
Spanish Regime
Established schools for higher education, hospitals, pharmacy, and medicine
The oldest hospital built was in June 24, 1578 (Hospital Real de Manila San Juan de Dios Hospital)
The oldest school was built in 1611 (University of Santo Tomas)
Higher education institutions first offered courses on Theology, Philosophy, Humanities
Hospitals were built which paved the way for starting rudimentary research on health; however, the focus is on looking for remedies rather than understanding the nature of the disease.
Studies on infection diseases started in the late 1800s
Agriculture was slow to develop during the early colonial period
The Real Sociedad Economica de Los Amigos del Pais de Filipinas under Governor Jose Basco y Vargas made a significant contribution to the research and development of agriculture, agricultural industry, and agricultural technology
Meteorological Studies were done by Jesuits in the Manila Observatory
Invented in 1886, Padre Faura barometer (measures atmospheric pressure)
Hospital Real de Manila San Juan de Dios Hospital
What is the oldest oldest hospital built in June 24, 1578?
University of Santo Tomas
What is the oldest school built in 1611?
_______ was slow to develop during the early colonial period
Real Sociedad Economica de Los Amigos del Pais de Filipinas
The _______________ under Governor Jose Basco y Vargas made a significant contribution to the research and development of agriculture, agricultural industry, and agricultural technology
American Regime
Science rapidly developed during this time
American Regime
1901 — free primary education was established using English as the mode of instruction
1902 — Secondary schools were improved; schools for teachers were also established
Many Filipinos were sent abroad, particularly to the US, for further training through scholarships, fellowships, and faculty exchange program
The aim of higher education was to train locals to fill the technical needs of the government and its services
Science research gained more support from the government
1905 — The Bureau of Science was established, became the training ground for Filipino Scientists
Other scientific bureaus Were established during its early part
Scientific research further improved when the Scientific Research Council
1970s — Focus was redirected towards applied research in response to the need for SandT
National Science Development Program was included in the government dev plan
Science Journalism became a buzzword during the 70s
Science clubs were established during these times, the first Asian Training Course for Leaders in the promotion of Public Understanding of Science, Technology, and Environmeny (PUSTE) was held in
National Planetarium was established in 1975
free primary education was established using English as the mode of instruction
Secondary schools were improved; schools for teachers were also established
The Bureau of Science was established, became the training ground for Filipino Scientists
Focus was redirected towards applied research in response to the need for S&T
National Planetarium
___________ was established in 1975
Research utilization Was given stronger emphasis
NSDB Was reorganized as the National Science and Technology Authority
NSTA reorganized as DOST
National Science and Technology Plan (2002 to 2020)
Pagtanaw 2050
__________ is a 30-year science, technology, and innovation foreign and strategic plan developed by DOST
Tiger Economy
The Philippine Economy is a _____
science and math
Philippines ranked lowest in _______
Dismal performance in Science and Math:
The Second Congressional Commission on Education reported in 2024:
The National Achievement Test (NAT) for Grade 6 (SY 2020-2021) shows that students have low proficiency in Math (41%), English (44%), and Science (44%)
More learners are enrolling in higher educagion, but a large number of students are dropping out before completing their degrees
Passing rates in the licensure examination for teachers (LET) have been low, and the quality assurances of teacher education institutions is weak
Meager Budget for S&T + Budget Cuts
Poor public appreciation of S&T
Low science literacy even though people are interested
S&T consciousness of Filipinos is low
Lack of awareness and concerns about S&T
Low level of education and S&T literacy
Limited emphasis on the teaching of S&T
Science orientation in elementary And highschool is very abstract
Students usually don't have hands-on explaining, this they cannot appreciate the application of those concepts;
Math and Science Teachers sometimes lack the competence to teach those subjects, they cannot bring it down go a level where students can appreciate these subjects better
Challenged in S&T:
Communicating the product, content, and processes of science to various publics to promote Development
Communicating the: know what, know how, know why
Vision: To develop a Science culture equipped to make informed choices regarding various science issues
A Development Communication Domain that looks at Communicating science to understand, appreciate, and apply science and the scientific process in a way that encourages stakeholders to participate
Information explosion
Increase in S&T information has been exponential
Information gas reached such gargantuan proportions that it has become extremely difficult today to cope
Challenge of how to manage information so that people will be able to find it and make use of it
Important since the productivity of any scientist depends on his ability to keep up-to-date
Highly variable quality of science writing
Publish or perish rule
In the race to get published, the quality is often sacrificed
There are just too many accounts of duplication research going around
Journal titles have different levels of strictness in reviewing different levels of strictness in reviewing manuscripts and have different review process
Most scientific and technological findings require interpretation for other audiences
Science must be communicated to the general public in terms they can understand and relate to
The reason most people feel alienated from S&T is that they cannot understand technical jargon
The public has a right to know
The Public has the right to know where their tax money is going vis-a-vis government spending on R&D
They have to know how they will be affected by various policies related to S&T
People have a right to know and understand various implications of different S&T issues
People have a right to make informed choices through proper and prompt dissemination of information
Advent of powerful, high-speed electronic data and information processing tools
Development in information technology has extended the capability of man to manage and disseminate S&T information
Computers are increasingly being used to help manage the information explosion in S&T
Nature of Sci-com:
Better Science literacy
Increased appreciation and interest in science
Increased understanding of science
Use of science in practical Lice (problem-solving and decision making)
Increased support for science
Basic competencies of a Science communicator
Report discoveries or breakthroughs in context
Make science approachable
Be confident and comfortable in approaching your sources
Emphasize that science is a human enterprise
Put your work through peer review
Explore ethical and political dimensions of science
Recognize that science is fun: it is a part of everyday life
Attributes of a science communicator:
Passion for science + human implications
Can distinguish selling science products vs Communicating science
Can choose interesting angles
Can write about science and make it interesting without distorting fact
Willing go search relevant materials, synthesize, and make this digestible
Follows through developments of science issues
“Someone who marries the excitement of communication with the seriousness of the science. The tricky part is getting the information right.”
Communication of research results
Communicating of science to improve science literacy and technological appreciation
Communication Among Scientists:
3 Areas of Science Communication:
Communication of research results
Challenged us go improve the communication fesults of S&T research to its various publica
Use print media; audiovisual media; broadcast media; and/or new communication technology including social media
Information must be translated into user friendly terms go benefit a wider audience
Communicating of science to improve science literacy and technological appreciation
Goal of this area is to tell people develop a new attitude towards science
A scientific attitude teachers tea he's us how go think and not what to think; it enables ordinary people to deal with various challenges using rational problem-solving methods
Science literacy implies a greater appreciation of and engagement in various science issues
Project NOAH
Communication Among Scientists
Science communicators must understand how scientific communicate amongst themselves and how information flows between scientists
Science communicators play important roles in the growth of scientific knowledge; they help improve the dissemination of research results
Policy makers
General public
Audiences of Scicom:
Communication Among Scientists
Domain that looks at how science communication facilitates the sharing of S&T information and information exchange among students
To help sustain their intellectual productivity and facilitate the growth of scientific knowledge
Must understand how scientists communicate among themselves and how information flows Among them
Science communicators must understand how they can best aid scientists in their responsibilities and help them become more productive
Information Sources (DIKW Hierarchy)
Recorded empirical measurements or observation
Collection of face in a raw/unorganized form, thus mean little or not important
Come in Quantitative numbers, scales, or ranks/qualitative
Information is derived from data which have been organized, processed, and structured according to a purpose
A stock of ordered information that has been analyzed, evaluated, and tested for a particular purpose
Answers the questions: How? How is this information relevant?
Knowledge that is continually updated and enriched by the permanent combination with action/reality
To get wisdom, we must answer the question: Why do something and Why Best
Embodied In an individual/institutio
is related to transaction processing systems
is related to information management systems
corresponds with decision support systems
is related with expert systems
Importance of Scientific Information Management
Improved capability to take advantage of knowledge and know-how
Rationalization and systematization of country’s research and development efforts
Wider knowledge base for solutions of problems
Provide new alternatives and approaches for present technical problems and avoid future ones
Improved effectiveness and efficiency of technical activities in the production and service sectors
Generate better decision-making in all sectors
Importance of Scientific Information Management
Improved capability to take advantage of knowledge and know-how
Rationalization and systematization of country’s research and development efforts
Wider knowledge base for solutions of problems
Provide new alternatives and approaches for present technical problems and avoid future ones
Improved effectiveness and efficiency of technical activities in the production and service sectors
Generate better decision-making in all sectors
Communication specialists and editors
Information specialists
Science communicators
Who are involved in S&T information?
Access to information has a cost
Often, the information is not complete
Full context of information is not available
Information is only capable of “satisficing”
Satisficing: Aiming only for a satisfying result
Information which cannot be found is useless
Is there such thing as perfect information:
Information overload (causes omission or failure to attend to information)
use of language or terminologies unfamiliar to users
Information is presented in a form that is hard to follow
Information may not be trusted. This implies that the reliability and validity of information are questionable
Barriers to use of information:
Information services/systems
Information management (sources):
possess required information which is not documented yet or those who have in-depth information on the subject. They are also slightly for further details of the information sought
Authority over classified information or have details of the information sought
Contains information sought