Day-to-day conditions of the atmosphere. The current temperature, humidity, wind conditions, amount and type of cloud cover, and the presence/absence of precipitation are all elements of weather
Average weather condition of a place studied of a long period of time. Climatology concerns itself with the same elements of weather but over a longer time scale.
The properties of air vary with [blank]?
Distance from the Earth's surface
The sun heats the surface of the Earth, some of this heat goes into [blank]?
Warming the air near the surface, which then goes into the atmosphere
Air Temperature is highest [blank]?
Near the surface and decrease with altitude
What is the pressure of air related to [blank]?
The weight of air over a given location
Thin air exerts less pressure than air at a [blank]?
Lower altitude
Air Density
Depends on both temperature and the pressure through the equation of state
Also decreases with altitude
The atmosphere
-Contained within a relatively shallow envelope surrounding the planet -8000 mile diameter and 60 miles thick -Not uniform; fluid properties are constantly changing with time and location
Atmospheric Compostition
-Heterosphere -Homosphere -Exosphere
Atmospheric Temperature
-Thermosphere -Mesosphere -Stratosphere -Troposphere
Atmospheric Function
-Ionsphere -Ozonesphere
-The outer atmosphere beginning from about 50 miles from the earth's surface and extending to space -Gases are not evenly mixed but assorted by gravity according to their atomic weight and reaction of the gases with solar radiation -Less than 0.001% of the mass of th4e earth's atmosphere is in the heterosphere
-Extends from the Earth's surface to about 50 miles -Density of air changes with altitude bet the proportion of gases is nearly uniform -Exceptions are: Ozone, Water Vapor, Pollutants, and Some trace chemical.
Mixture of Gases in the Homosphere
-Nitrogen -Oxygen -Argon -Carbon Dioxide