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What is TaNaKh
Hebrew Scripture
Our church's officially accepted Bible version is "Peshita," and it contains eleven Apocryphal books. What is an example of an Apocryphal book?
A. Job
B. Ruth
C. Judith
D. Nehemiah
Meaning of Canon
Measuring rod
Origanl Langiage of Bible
a. Aramaic
b. Hebrew
c. Greek
d. All the above
Aramaic, Hebrew, Greek
Translator of Peshita Bible to Malayalam
Very Rev. Kurian Arch Corepiscopos
Peshita named by
Bishop Moses Bar Kepha
Which Holy Synod unanimously first decided on Canon of books to be included in the Bible?
a. The Holy Synod in Carthage
b. Council of Milan
c. Council of Nicaea
d. Second Council of Rome
The Holy Synod in Carthage
Bible is a compila on of books decided upon the Council of ____.
a. Trent
b. Ephesus
c. Constannople
d. Carthage
Council of Carthage
Which of the following is NOT a part of the Septuagint?
a. Book of Acts
b. Books of Israel's History
c. Books of Wisdom
d. Books of the Law
Book of Acts
how many sections in the Septuagint
Language spoken by Jesus
Books of Law also known as
Pentateuch or Torah
Meaning of Deuteronomy
Second Law
This book contains several farewell speeches of Moses to the Israelites in which he repeats many of the God's laws. As Moses was giving the laws to them a second me, the book was called ___________?
a. Numbers
b. Levitcus
c. Deuteronomy
d. Second Maccabees
Book of Numbers about
Census taken by Moses
During the forty years of the Exodus, God provided ___ to the Israelites.
a. Manna
b. Honey
c. Marah
d. Fish
From the tribe of Levi, Aaron and the first-born of his family were chosen by God, to the rank of __________.
a. Prophet
b. High Priest
c. Judge
d. King
High Priest
During his farewell speeches what did Moses perform in the book of Deuteronomy?
a. gave the laws to Israel for the second me
b. allowed idol worship
c. ordained priests from the tribe of Levi
d. took census
Gave laws to Israel for the second time
Receiving ten commandments at
Mount Sinai
How many years of Exodus
40 years
First King of Israel
Second King of Israel
Number of book in the Books of Wisdom
The relationship between ______ and Naomi is an excellent example and model of the love and commitment between family members a er marriage.
a. Rebekah
b. Ruth
c. Helen
d. Hannah
Ruth and Naomi
How many hymns are in Psalms according to Septuagint Old Testament?
a. 151
b. 161
c. 80
d. 121
Number: 151
Author of Psalm 151
Author of the book of Psalms
a. David
b. Moses
c. Temple Musicians
d. All of the above
David, Moses, Temple Musicians
Which Old Testament book is a collec on of moral and religious instruc on?
a. Song of songs
b. Ecclesiastes
c. Proverbs
d. Psalms
Main idea of Proverbs
a. History
b. Sacrifice
c. Human values and moral conduct
d. Love
Human values and moral conduct
Main writer of Proverbs, Song of Songs, Ecclesiastes
Writer of First and Second Kingdom
How did Esther use her royal position?
a. To command people
b. To persuade the king to save her people
c. To spread her faith
d. To make sacrifices
To persuade the king to save her people
Which book referred as "the book of theology'?
a. The second book of Ezra
b. Esther
c. Judith
d. Second Maccabees
2nd book of Ezra
The last section of the Old Testament consists of 19 books and is called the books of:
a. Wisdom
b. Law
c. Prophecy
d. Divine
Books of Prophecy
Shortest prophetic book in the Holy Bible
Book: Obadiah
Shortest Old Testament book
Book: Obadiah
First post-exile prophet urging temple rebuilding
Prophet predicting Christ's birth at Bethlehem
Meaning of 'Malachi'
Book of Job about
A man's unshakeable faith in the face of tragedy
Location of Moses receiving 10 Commandments
Mount Sinai
Moses' second 40 years in the land of
Representation of Moses and Elijah
Moses represents law while Elijah represents prophets
Meaning of Mary in Syriac
Sea of bitterness
Recipient of Holy girdle of St. Mary during Assumption
St. Thomas
Date of celebration of the Assumption of Saint Mary
August 15
Prophet Ezekiel's Description
Refers to St. Mary as the beauty of God's Chariot
First to Call St. Mary Mother of God
Gospel Narrates
Content of the Gospel
Gospel with Jesus' Genealogy
Likely Audience for St. Luke's Gospel
Greeks + Gentiles
Shortest Gospel
St. Mark
Gospel with most complete narration of Jesus’s trial, cruxifiction + ressurrection
St. John
Non-Synoptic Gospel
St. John
Noteworthy Parables Author - Wedding of Cana, Prodigal Son, Samaritan Women
St. Luke
General Epistles
1/2 Peter
1/2/3 John
Starting Point of St. Paul's Journeys
Epistle to Jewish Converts
A. Hebrews
B. Galatians
C. Corinthians
D. Romans
According to Acts 18:3 Paul was a ____________, who worked with his own hands.
a. Tent maker
b. Tax collector
c. Ordained priest from the tribe of Levi
d. Fisherman
Tent maker
According to Acts 22:3 Paul was a student of the famous rabbi ____________.
a. Gamaliel
b. Nathan
c. Benjamin
d. Silas
After his conversion, Paul spent three years in the dessert of ____, preparing him for God
through divine visions.
a. Sahara
b. Ephesus
c. Constantinople
d. Arabia
How did St. Paul become a martyr?
a. Beheaded by Emperor Nero
b. Crucified upside down on a Cross
c. Stoned to death outside of Rome
d. Burned to death by Pharisees
Beheaded by Emperor Nero
In Philippi, Saint Paul bapƟzed a rich woman and her household. Who was this lady?
a. Lydia
b. Silas
c. Publius
d. Pamphilia
How many missionary journeys did St. Paul take?
In Jerusalem during his final journey, St. Paul was accused by the Jews that he preached
against ______
a. The Mosaic Law
b. The Messiah's law
c. The Old Covenant
d. The Pauline privilege
Mosaic Law
The third epistle of John is directed to _________, whom Saint Paul referred to in his letters to Romans and Corinthians
a. Mecciah
b. Gaius
c. Peter
d. James
Types of Epistles
Pauline (14) and General (6)
The bishops can take disciplinary actions like restraining a priest from his duties to repent and reconcile with the holy church. What is this called?
The sacrament of Priesthood was instituted by ____________.
a. Christ
b. Moses
c. Adam
d. Peter
In the Church, laying of hands by the Apostles on the believers is represented by _____.
a. Holy Confession
b. Holy Qurbono
c. Holy Matrimony
d. Holy Chrism
Holy Chrism
A covenant is an agreement that involves promises and ___________ for everlasting.
a. Celebration
b. Commitments
c. Suffering
d. Martyrdom
Through marriage, the husband and wife participate in God's creaive act and in the ____ act of Christ.
a. Transformative
b. Redemptive
c. Covenant
d. Administrative
The Sacrament of Marriage is _________________
a. A covenant
b. A Holy Bond and Unity
c. A great mystery
d. All of the above
A covenant, A Holy Bond and Unity, A great mystery
The relationship between Christ and the Church can be compared to which of the
a. Matrimony
b. Baptism
c. Ordination of priests
d. Holy Qurbana
In the service for a second marriage, some of the joyful ceremonies are omiƩed and are replaced by ________________ prayers.
a. Baptismal
b. Betrothal
c. Penitential
d. Absolution
How does St.Paul portray the marital life of a man and woman?
A. The husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church
B. Woman to submit lovingly to her husband like the Church is called to submit lovingly to Christ.
C. Men show sacrificial love towards their wives and must not divorce their wives.
D. All the above
A. The husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church
B. Woman to submit lovingly to her husband like the Church is called to submit lovingly to Christ.
C. Men show sacrificial love towards their wives and must not divorce their wives.
During the sacrament of Matrimony, ____ signifies the special grace of Holy Spirit
descending upon the couple.
a. Manthrakodi
b. The Blessing of the Crowns
c. The Blessing of the rings
d. The minnu/Wedding Pendant
Blessing of the Crowns
Blood Relation Requirement for Marriage
Anointing of Holy Mooron is analogous to
a. Baptism
b. Confession
c. Consecration
d. Confirmation
Transforming Element in Sacraments
Holy Spirit
Which sacrament is the sacrament of entry into the church and body of Christ, and the first step towards salvation?
A. Holy Priesthood
B. Holy Baptism
C. Holy Qurbana
D. Holy Confession
Holy Baptism
The central aspect of Old Testament spirituality is ___________
a. Animal sacrifice
b. Ten Commandments
c. The Covenant relationship
d. Ritual purity
Covenant relationship
This is the divine gift of, saving of a soul from sin and its consequences.
a. Salvation
b. Tithe
c. Asceticism
d. Revelation
Son, the second person in Holy Trinity, humbled Himself and became man, for our _______.
a. Humility
b. Spirituality
c. Salvation
d. Temptation
This is a religious way of life in which one renounces worldly pursuits to devote oneself fully to spiritual work
a. Arianism
b. Monasticism
c. Millennialism
d. Martyrdom
Jesus founded His Holy Church on the rock of __________, which was proclaimed by
_________, the head of Apostles.
a. True faith, St. Thomas
b. Antioch faith, St. Thomas
c. True faith, St. Peter
d. Antioch faith, St. Thomas
True faith, St. Peter
Who played the central role in the establishment of Apostolic tradiƟons?
a. St. Peter
b. St. Paul
c. The Apostle John
d. Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit
According to 'Sola Scriptura', the Bible contains ___________
a. All Apostolic traditional descriptions
b. All teaching of Divine traditions
c. Evidence of Patristic tradition
d. All Knowledge necessary for salvation and holiness
All knowledge necessary to for salvation and holiness
3 traditions
divine, apostolic and patristic
Main difference between Oriental and Eastern Orthodox churches
a. Nationality
b. The nature of Christ
c. The person of Christ
d. Liturgical language
The nature of Christ
The belief that human and divine natures were united in a single nature without mingling, confusion, or alteration was referred to as
a. Miaphysite
b. Dyophysite
c. Morphydite
d. Diaphysis
St. Antony is considered as the 'Father of _______'
In 352 AD, St. Antony came from his cave to support St. Athanasius in his fight against
a. Arianism
b. Monasticism
c. Millennialism
d. Martyrdom
Church belongings to
a. Eastern Orthodox Churches
b. Oriental Orthodox Churches
c. Protestant Churches
d. None of the above
Oriental Orthodox Churches
Term Jacobites attributed to
a. St. Ephrem the Syrian
b. St. Jacob Baradaeus
c. St. Barsoumas
d. St. Jacob of Sarug
St. Jacob Baradaeus
Year St. Peter established the Throne in Antioch
a. AD 37
b. BC 37
c. AD 73
d. BC 73
AD 37
Where did the followers of Christ receive the name Christians for the first time?
a. Rome
b. Jerusalem
c. Antioch
d. Ephesus
Jesus founded His Holy Church on the rock of true faith which was proclaimed by
a. Rebekah
b. St. Peter
c. St. Paul
d. John the Baptist
St. Peter
Meaning of Peter in Greek
Stone or rock
Oriental Orthodox Churches for receiving sacraments
A. Ethiopian
B. Eritrean
C. Coptic
D. All the above
A. Ethiopian
B. Eritrean
C. Coptic