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Skin Analysis
A determining factor in deciding what products to use during the service and what products to recommend for home use.
Skin Type
Classification that describes a person's genetic skin type based primarily on oil production and lipid amount.
The center area of the face that corresponds to the 'T' shape formed by the forehead, nose, and chin.
Performing Skin Analysis
Involves visual and tactile examination to determine skin conditions and recommend treatments.
Woods Lamp
A filtered black light used to illuminate skin disorders, fungi, bacterial disorders, and pigmentation.
Manual manipulation of tissue by touching to assess its condition.
Normal Skin Type
Characterized by balanced oil and hydration, very small follicles, and a smooth texture.
Combination Skin Type
Moderate to high oil in T-zone, good to dehydrated hydration, with varying follicle sizes.
Oily Skin Type
Moderate to high oil production with larger follicles, requiring regular cleansing and hydrating treatments.
Dry Skin Type
Minimal oil and hydration production, fine pores, often appearing dull and rough.
Fitzpatrick Scale
A classification system to measure skin types' ability to tolerate sun exposure across six levels.
Visible, broken, or distended capillaries less than 0.5 mm due to intrinsic or extrinsic causes.
Actinic Keratosis
A rough area resulting from chronic sun exposure, sometimes precancerous.
Overproduction of melanin, often resulting from UV exposure, hormonal changes, or inflammation.
Lack of melanin production due to factors such as injury, UV exposure, or autoimmune disorders.
Keratosis Pilaris
A buildup of skin cells causing a rough texture, often found on the back of arms or thighs.
Clogged pores, where open comedones are blackheads and closed comedones are whiteheads.
Sensitive Skin
Characterized by fragility, thin skin, and redness; often easily irritated and in need of gentle care.
Dehydrated Skin
Lack of water in the skin caused by environmental factors, medications, or aging.
Healthy Skin Habits
Includes daily sunscreen use, a balanced diet, hydration, regular exercise, and professional skin care treatments.
Factors that prohibit a treatment due to specific medical or skin conditions that could cause harm.
Client Consultation
The process of determining the appropriateness of treatments and products based on the client's needs.
Intake Forms
Confidential forms updated at each visit, disclosing health history, product use, and allergies.
Consent Form
Written agreement acknowledging understanding of treatment and risks, signed by the client before services.
Client Chart
A record of notes from skin analysis, treatments performed, products used, and recommendations.