it is the art of turning an idea into a business
it is the process of starting up a business to make a financial profit
another term used to address a business; it is the product (goods or services) one is offering for sale
a person who does initiative and risks, creates ideas and makes an enterprise
they give opportunities and satisfy the needs and wants of consumers
Business Plan
a written document that describes in detail how a business defines objectives and how it can achieve its goals
Business Plan
it is the written road map of a firm; it sets the navigational course of the business
Investors & Financiers
Managers & Staff
the three masters of the business plan
Summary Business Plan
consists of 10-15 pages
works best for new ventures
used to “test the waters” to see if investors are interested
Full Business Plan
has 25-35 pages
works for ventures that need funding
serves as a blueprint for company operation
Operational Business Plan
made up of 40-100 pages
primarily for an internal audience
a guidance to operational managers
Format of Business Plan
I. Introduction
II. Executive Summary
III. The Business Proponents
IV. Target Customers & Main Value Proposition to the Customer
V. The Market
VI. Product and Services Offerings
VII. The Enterprise Strategy
VIII. The Financial Forecasts
IX. Environmental and Regulatory Compliance
X. Capital Structure and Financial Offering
part of the business plan that contains the business name, tagline, concept, model, goals, and offerings
Business Name
it is the business’ legal name or official name of the entity that owns a company
Adam Fridman
he stated that a company name plays a monumental role on a brands growth and perception; it can make or break a company
catchy, creative, descriptive
a business name must be [], [], & [____] to be memorable and recognizable in order for customers to separate your products from others
name style
trademarked, taken
domain name, social handlers
how to name a business you must
understand your business
think of ______ keywords
consider the ____ in the naming process
choose a ____ ____
tell a ____
ensure that the business name is not ______ or _______
verify that the ______ & _______ are available
Search Engine Optimization
stands for SEO; it is how you help customers find your site (example: google, bing, yahoo)
Domain Name
the address that people type into a browser bar to find the website
Business Concept
contains the essence of the enterprise in a concise and powerful manner; it stresses the value of the products offered to target customers
Business Model
the formula on how the enterprise plans to make money out of the business
Business Goals
part of the business plan that includes the vision, mission, objectives, and performance targets
Business Goals
it shows the future and long-term prospects of the enterprise
shows the future of the company [what we want to become and accomplish]; understanding your preferred future
it includes the core-values and steps to realize the vision. it defines the company and its purpose
the mission expresses the organizations
(___) - needs we exist to address
(___) - what we are doing to address these
(___) - principles and beliefs that guide our work
these are measurable, achievable, and time-bound end results that are more specific than the vision and mission
Key Result Areas (KRAs)
qualitative manifestations that the objectives are being achieved
Performance Indicators
these are quantified performance measurements that serve as an aspirational scorecard of the enterprise managers and motivational results of investors
Executive Summary
it contains everything that is relevant and important to the business audience; it is the synthesis of the entire plan
Executive Summary
it discusses and justifies the enterprise strategy and delivery system
Enterprise Strategy
it builds and develops the game plan for attaining competitiveness
Enterprise Delivery System
it is the entire process of converting the input (resources) into output and into outcomes
Business Propnents
also known as stakeholders
Resource Mobilizers & Financial Backers
Technology Providers & Applicators
Governance & Top Management
Operating & Support Team
the four types of stakeholders
Target Customers
these must be in sufficient size, have sufficient paying capacity and interest to purchase products being offered
Main Value Proposition
the unique selling proposition of the enterprise
an idea that has commercial potential. it is something you can make money with, develop a business around it, or create value with it
Opportunity Seeking
the endless curiosity to discover new ideas and see whether these ideas will work in the marketplace
Mind Frame
Heart Flame
Gut Game
the three factors essential to an entrepreneur’s opportunity seeking
Entrepreneurial Mind Frame
allows the entrepreneur to see things in a positive and optimistic light in the midst of a crisis or difficult situation
Entrepreneurial Heart Flame
the commonality between and inventor and entrepreneur; both are driven by passion and are drawn to find fulfillment in the act and process of discovery
Entrepreneurial Gut Game
the ability to sense without using the five senses, also known as intuition
New Knowledge
Macro Environmental Sources
Consumer Preference
Opportunities from Unexpected
Industry & Market Sources
Talents, Hobbies, Interests, & Skills
Opportunities from Future
Sources of Opportunities
Macro Environmental Sources
refers to the “big or macro forces” that affect the area, industry, and market the enterprise belongs to. it is divided into five categories (SPEET)
Socio-cultural Environment
includes the demographics and cultural dimensions; the beliefs, customs, traditions in a population
Political Environment
about the governance system; the laws, rules, regulations, permits, license, etc.
Economic Environment
the supply and demand forces; involves interests, foreign exchange rates, law of supply and demand
Ecological Environment
includes the natural resources and ecosystem; what resources are available, opportunities in env. problems
Technological Environment
involves new scientific and technological discoveries; this environment can make or break competing participants
Industry Sources
any facilities, operations, activities, and productions; refers to the companies involved in the process of producing goods
Consumer Market
Substitute Products/Services
Support and Enabling Services
the five participants of the industry
Market Sources
the actual demand and supply & potential demand and supply of the industry the enterprise belongs to
(example: combo meals, more-for-less)
refers to the specific target market segment of a particular enterprise:
current consumers of goods / services
location / consumer group an enterprise wishes to serve
Consumer Preference
refers to the tastes of particular groups of people; it is affected by a consumer’s age, culture, and status